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中西文化与汉英翻译文本比较 本书特色


中西文化与汉英翻译文本比较 目录

Chapter 1 Contrast of Sino-Western Cultures and Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Political System
1.1.What Is Political System
1.2.Cultural Contrast of Political System in China and the West
1.2.1.Political System in China
1.2.2.Political System in the West
1.3. Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Political System
1.3.1. Cross-matching between Linguistic ranks
1.3.2. Shortened form in Chinese Corresponding to Full-Length Form in English
1.4. Sample
1.5.A Glossary of Political System in Chinese and English
Chapter 2 Contrast of Sino-Western Cultures and Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Law
2.1. What Is Law
2.2.Cultural Contrast of Law in China and the West
2.2.1.Law in China
2.2.2.Law in the West
2.3.Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Law
2.3.1. English Favoring the Passive Voice, Chinese the Active
2.3.2. English Favoring Lengthy Sentences, Chinese Short Ones
2.3.3. Nominalized Words in English Corresponding to Verbs in Chinese
2.4. Sample
2.5.A Glossary of Law in English and Chinese
Chapter 3 Contrast of Sino-Western Cultures and Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Literature
3.1. What Is Literature
3.2. Cultural Contrast of Literature in China and the West
3.3.1. Literature in China
3.2.2. Literature in the West
3.3. Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Literature
3.3.1. Multilevel Correspondence in Lexicon, Rhetoric and Sentence Structure
3.3.2. Resorting to Phonetic Transcription in Chinese
3.3.3. Resorting to Paraphrasing in Chinese
3.4. Samples
3.5. A Glossary of Literature in English and Chinese
Chapter 4 Contrast of Sino-Western Cultures and Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Classics
4.1. What Is Classics
4.2. Cultural Contrast of Classics of China and the West
4.2.1. Classics of China
4.2.2. Classics of the West
4.3. Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Classics
4.3.1. Considering the Content in Translating the Titles of Classics
4.3.2. Considering Differences in Thinking Modes
4.3.3. Proper Use of Footnotes in Translation
4.4. Samples
4.5. A Glossary of Chinese Classics in English and Chinese
Chapter 5 Contrast of Sino-Western Cultures and Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Film
5.1. What Is Film
5.2. Cultural Contrast of Film in China and the West
5.2.1. Film in China
5.2.2. Film in the West
5.3. Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Film
5.3.1.Techniques in the Translation of Film Titles
5.3.2. Integrating the Actor's Lines with the Hero's State of Mind
5.4. Samples
5.5. A Glossary of Film in English and Chinese
Chapter 6 Contrast of Sino-Western Cultures and Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Journalism
6.1. What Is Journalism

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