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6.2.Cultural Contrast of Journalism in China and the West
6.2.1.Journalism in China
6.2.2.Journalism in the West
6.3.Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Journalism
6.3.1.Neglecting the Connotative Meaning of the Source Language
6.3.2. Readjusting the Word Order of the Source Text
6.3.3. Addition or Deletion
6.5. A Glossary of Journalism in English and Chinese
Chapter 7 Contrast of Sino-Western Cultures and Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Folk Culture
7.1. What Is Folk Culture
7.2. Folk Culture in China and the West
7.2.1.Folk Culture in China
7.2.2.Folk Culture in the West
7.3.Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Folk Culture
7.3.1. Cultural Supplementation of Source-Specific Concepts
7.3.2. Retaining the Cultural Connotations of Source Proverbs and Folklores
7.5. A Glossary of Folk Culture in English and Chinese
Chapter 8 Contrast of Sino-Western Cultures and Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Catch Phrase
8.1. What Are Catch Phrases
8.2. Cultural Contrast of the Chinese Language and the English Language
8.2.1. The Chinese Language
8.2.2. The English Language
8.3. Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Catch Phrase
8.3.1. Existing Words Obtaining New Meanings
8.3.2. Innovation of New Expressions
8.4. Sample
8.5. A Glossary of Catch Phrases in English and Chinese
Chapter 9 Contrast of Sino-Western Cultures and Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Sport
9.1. What Is Sport
9.2. Cultural Contrast of Sport in China and the West
9.2.1. Sport in China
9.2.2. Sport in the West
9.3. Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Sport
9.3.1. Restoring the Dropped-out Information and Understanding the Initialisms
9.3.2. Paying Special Attention to Technical Terminologies
9.3.3 Translation of Rhetorical Devices and Cultural Images
9.4. Sample
9.5. A Glossary of Sport in English and Chinese
Chapter 10 Contrast of Sino-Western Cultures and Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Science and Technology
10.1. What Are Science and Technology
10.2. Cultural Contrast of Science and Technology in China and the West
10.2.1. Science and Technology in China
10.2.2. Science and Technology in the West
10.3. Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Science and Technology
10.3.1. Nouns or Pronouns, Short Sentences or Lengthy Ones
10.3.2. Front Weight or End Weight
10.4. Samples
10.5. A Glossary of Science and Technology in English and Chinese
Chapter 11 Contrast of Sino-Western Cultures and Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Medicine
11.1. What Is Medicine
11.2. Cultural Contrast of Medicine in China and the West
11.2.1. Medicine in China
11.2.2. Medicine in the West
11.3. Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Medicine
11.3.1. Discriminating Technical Terms from Daily Uses
11.3.2. Explicit or Implicit Use of Modality
11.3.3. English Featuring Hypotaxis, Chinese Parataxis
11.3.4. English Favoring the Passive Voice, Chinese the Active
11.3.5. Techniques in Translating from Chinese into English
11.4. Sample
11.5. A Glossary of Medicine in English and Chinese
Chapter 12 Contrast of Sino-Western Cultures and Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Weather and Climate
12.1. What are Weather and Climate
12.2. Cultural Contrast of Weather and Climate in China and the West
12.2.1. Weather and Climate in China
12.2.2. Weather and Climate in the West
12.3. Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Weather and Climate
12.3.1. Heavy Use of Technical Terms and Abbreviations
12.3.2. Ways of Voice Rendering
12.3.3. Ways of Word Class Conversion
12.3.4. Tackling Lenthy Sentences
12.4. Sample
12.5. A Glossary of Weather and Climate in English and Chinese
Chapter 13 Contrast of Sino-Western Cultures and Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Tourism
13.1. What Is Tourism
13.2.Cultural Contrast of Tourism in China and the West
13.2.1.Tourism in China
13.2.2. Tourism in the West
13.3.Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Tourism
13.3.1. Cultural Transplantation in Scenary Spot Introduction
13.3.2. Deleting Superfluous Information in the Source Language of Chinese
13.3.3. Supplementing Cultural Background Information
13.5. A Glossary of Tourism in English and Chinese
Chapter 14 Contrast of Sino-Western Cultures and Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Trade

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