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14.1. What Is Trade
14.2. Cultural Contrast of Trade in China and the West
14.2.1. Trade in China
14.2.2. Trade in the West
14.3. Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Trade
14.3.1. Resorting to Linguistic Deviations
14.3.2. Marking the Differences in Culture
14.3.3. Inclinations for Passive or Active 143
14.5. A Glossary of Trade in English and Chinese
Chapter 15 Contrast of Sino-Western Cultures and Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Flora and Fauna
15.1. What Are Flora and Fauna
15.2.Cultural Contrast of Flora and Fauna in China and the West
15.2.1. Flora and Fauna in China
15.2.2.Flora and Fauna in the West
15.3. Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Flora and Fauna
15.3.1. Cultural Implications of Plants
15.3.2. Cultural Implications of Animals
15.4. Samples
15.5. A Glossary of Flora and Fauna in English and Chinese
Chapter 16 Contrast of Sino-Western Cultures and Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Food and Cuisine
16.1. What Are Food and Cuisine
16.2. Cultural Contrast of Food and Cookingin China and the West
16.2.1. Food and Cooking in China
16.2.2.Food and Cooking in the West
16.3. Chinese-English Translation Texts in the Field of Food and Cuisine
16.3.1. Supplementing Cultural Background in the Source Language
16.3.2. Discriminating Semantic Nuances Between Tricky Synonyms
16.4. Samples
16.5. A Glossary of Food and Cuisines in English and Chinese

中西文化与汉英翻译文本比较 作者简介

刘宇红,2003年毕业于复旦大学,获文学博士毕业,同年破格晋升为教授。现任南京师范大学外国语学院教授、博士生导师。2005年分别入选湖南省哲学社会科学研究"百人工程"和"湖南省新世纪121人才工程"。2005年至2006年在美国休斯敦Rice University访学。


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