水浒传作者:施耐庵 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787513813211 定价:55.0 出版时间:2017-11-01 出版社:华语教学 |
水浒传 本书特色
《水浒传》是中国四大名著之一,主要讲述北宋末年以宋江为首的108 位武功高强、身怀绝技的英雄由于种种原因被逼上梁山成为侠盗,一起行侠仗义、为民除害的故事。
本书是《水浒传》的中文简读本,一共有36 个故事,每个故事的字数限定在1500 字以下,语言难度控制在HSK 五级2500 词以内,汉语学习者可以通过阅读经典故事来提高汉语阅读水平,了解中国文化。全文标注拼音,书内配有特制的“拼音隐形卡”,不需要借助拼音阅读的读者可以用它将拼音遮盖起来阅读。
One of the four classic novels of ancient China, Outlaws of the Marsh tells a story from the last days of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127). 108 impressive heroes seek shelter on Mount Liangshan and become chivalrous outlaws who often annihilate evildoers and help those in need.
This book is an abridged version of the novel and contains 36 stories that are each approximately 1,500 characters in length or shorter. All the stories are limited to the 2,500 characters required by HSK Level 5. By reading the classics, Chinese language learners can further improve their reading ability and get a better understanding of Chinese culture. In this book, each story is annotated with pinyin. A "pinyin-invisible card" is provided so that readers who want to read the stories without referring to pinyin can cover it.
水浒传 内容简介
外语 对外汉语
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