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直通托福预备教程:听说 本书特色

“直通托福预备教程”系列丛书包括听说和读写两个分册,以北美多年来沿用的教辅图书为参考,结合考生对托福预备阶段备考的真实需求,由美国本科考试研究院联合一线教师设计并编写,具有相当高的实用性和针对性,适合托福考试零基础或英语语言基础薄弱的考生使用,帮助其夯实语言基础。 本书为听说分册,共15个单元,精选15类话题场景。每个单元包括三个部分,Part 1是以一篇对话(Conversation)为核心,设置听力题目和口语练习,摘选对话中的核心单词和短语,还给出英语语音基础知识的讲解。Part 2围绕一篇讲座(Lecture),设置多种听力题型,讲解讲座中的核心单词和短语。Part 3是听力和口语综合练习。

直通托福预备教程:听说 内容简介


直通托福预备教程:听说 目录

Unit 1 My Family 1 Part 1 Conversation: My Lazy Brother /3 Part 2 Lecture: Matriarchy /12 Part 3 Practice /19 Unit 2 My Home 23 Part 1 Conversation: Missing Home /25 Part 2 Lecture: Homesickness /34 Part 3 Practice /40 Unit 3 My Hobbies 43 Part 1 Conversation: Extracurricular Activities /45 Part 2 Lecture: Hobbies and Health /54 Part 3 Practice /61 Unit 4 My Friends 65 Part 1 Conversation: Rumors /67 Part 2 Lecture: Interspecies Friendship?/76 Part 3 Practice /82 Unit 5 My Schedule 85 Part 1 Conversation: Mornings /87 Part 2 Lecture: Multitasking /95 Part 3 Practice /101 Unit 6 My City 105 Part 1 Conversation: Moving to New York /107 Part 2 Lecture: Sustainable Cities /116 Part 3 Practice /122 Unit 7 My Travels 125 Part 1 Conversation: Adventures Abroad /127 Part 2 Lecture: The Effect of Travel on Personality /136 Part 3 Practice /142 Unit 8 My Community 145 Part 1 Conversation: Community Service /147 Part 2 Lecture: Group Dynamics /157 Part 3 Practice /163 Unit 9 My Classes 165 Part 1 Conversation: My Major /167 Part 2 Lecture: Forest Schools /176 Part 3 Practice /182 Unit 10 My Childhood and Memories 185 Part 1 Conversation: Favorite Childhood Memory /187 Part 2 Lecture: Stress and Learning /196 Part 3 Practice /202 Unit 11 Business 205 Part 1 Conversation: A Part-Time Job /207 Part 2 Lecture: Unconditional Basic Income /217 Part 3 Practice /223 Unit 12 Art 227 Part 1 Conversation: A Difficult Project /229 Part 2 Lecture: Found Objects /238 Part 3 Practice /244 Unit 13 Health 247 Part 1 Conversation: Stressed-out /249 Part 2 Lecture: The History of Penicillin /258 Part 3 Practice /265 Unit 14 Environment 267 Part 1 Conversation: Going Green /269 Part 2 Lecture: Keystone Species—How Wolves Change Rivers /279 Part 3 Practice /284 Unit 15 Emotions 287 Part 1 Conversation: A Fear of Flying /289 Part 2 Lecture: Fear Pheromones /300 Part 3 Practice /306 Listening Scripts 309 Answers 333

直通托福预备教程:听说 作者简介



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