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SAT II 生物 本书特色

本书由新东方从美国麦格劳-希尔出版公司独家引进,是备考SAT Ⅱ生物的权威辅导教材。本书不仅全面涵盖了SAT Ⅱ生物的考点,而且提供5套全真模拟试题供考生自测。此外,书中含有对所有题目的详细解析,便于考生认识自身的优势与不足,科学备考。

SAT II 生物 内容简介

越来越多的高中生选择出国攻读大学课程,SAT考试成绩则是评估学生是否能胜任大学学习的决定性因素之一。 本系列SAT II考试丛书引进自美国知名教育出版公司McGraw-Hill Education,由SAT考试相关领域专家编写,是美国本土大学课堂使用教材,可以帮助考生提前适应全英学习模式。此系列中,SAT II各学科分册紧扣考试命题特点,囊括与考试相关的学科要点。同时,还精选针对性练习以及全真模拟试题,配以准确答案和详尽解析,利于考生巩固所学。

SAT II 生物 目录

PART I: ABOUT THE SAT BIOLOGY E/M TEST / 1 Chapter 1: What You Need to Know About the SAT Biology E/M Test / 3 The SAT Subject Tests • The SAT Biology E/M Test • Taking the Test Chapter 2: Smart Tips for the SAT Biology E/M Test / 8 Preparing for the Test • The Home Stretch • During the Test • After the Test Chapter 3: Test-Taking Skills and Strategies / 15 General Test-Taking Strategies • Question Type 1: The Matching Game • Question Type 2: The Numbered Diagram • Question Type 3: The Direct Question • Question Type 4: The “Pick the ‘Wrong’ Answer” Question (A.K.A. “Least/Except/Not” Questions) • Question Type 5: Easy as I, II, III • Question Type 6: The Laboratory Question Chapter 4: Diagnostic Test / 27 Answer Sheet for the Diagnostic Test • Diagnostic Test • Score Sheet • Answer Key • Answers and Explanations PART II: REVIEW OF BIOLOGY TOPICS / 45 Chapter 5: Understanding Molecular and Cellular Biology / 47 Lesson 5-1. Molecular Biology / 47 Vocabulary • Elements, Compounds, and Bonds • The Elements of Life • Water, Water, Everywhere • The Role of Carbon • Carbohydrates and the Dehydration Reaction • Amino Acids, Proteins, and Peptide Bonds • Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids • Lipids and Phospholipids • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 5-2. Cells / 65 Vocabulary • Characteristics of Cells • Features of Eukaryotic Cells • Cell Membranes and Cell Walls • Cellular Transport • Plant and Animal Cells • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 5-3. Energy in the Cell: Enzymes, Respiration, and Photosynthesis / 78 Vocabulary • Enzymes and Energy Carriers • Respiration • Fermentation • Photosynthesis • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 5-4. DNA, RNA, Protein / 94 Vocabulary • Copying DNA • DNA to mRNA • mRNA to Polypeptide • Mutations • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 5-5. Mitosis and Meiosis / 106 Vocabulary • The Cell Cycle • Mitosis • Meiosis • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Chapter 6: Understanding Genetics / 114 Lesson 6-1. Mendelian Inheritance / 114 Vocabulary • Mendel: Patterns of Inheritance • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 6-2. The Genetic Bases of Inheritance / 125 Vocabulary • DNA: The Genetic Material • Mendel and Molecules • Chromosomal Aberrations • Genetic Technology • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 6-3. Beyond Simple Inheritance / 137 Vocabulary • Sex Genes and Sex-Linked Genes • Polygenic Inheritance • Extra-Nuclear Genes • Beyond DNA • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 6-4. Using Punnett Squares / 147 Vocabulary • A Quick Review of Probability • Making a Punnett Square • Modeling Inheritance • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 6-5. Using Pedigrees / 160 Reading a Pedigree • Interpreting from a Pedigree • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Chapter 7: Understanding Evolution and Diversity / 171 Lesson 7-1. Evolution and Natural Selection / 171 Vocabulary • Darwin and Natural Selection • Evidence for Evolution • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 7-2. Mechanisms of Evolution / 178 Vocabulary • Evolution in a Population • Creating Diversity: Speciation • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 7-3. Origins of Diversity / 189 Vocabulary • Creating Cells • After Cells • Classifying Life • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 7-4. The Three Domains and the Five Kingdoms / 199 Vocabulary • Kingdom Monera • Kingdom Protista • Kingdom Fungi • Kingdom Plantae • Kingdom Animalia • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Chapter 8: Understanding Organismal Biology / 203 Lesson 8-1. Support and Movement / 203 Vocabulary • Support • The Human Skeletal System • Movement • The Human Muscular System • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 8-2. Transport / 208 Vocabulary • Open and Closed Systems • The Human Circulatory System • The Human Respiratory System • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 8-3. Nutrition / 213 Vocabulary • The Human Digestive System • Excretion • The Human Excretory System • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 8-4. Protection / 219 Vocabulary • The Skin • The Immune System • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 8-5. Coordination / 222 Vocabulary • The Human Nervous System • The Human Endocrine System • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 8-6. Reproduction and Development / 228 Vocabulary • The Human Reproductive System • Development • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Chapter 9: Understanding Ecology / 233 Lesson 9-1. Population Growth / 233 Vocabulary • Populations • Exponential Growth • Limited Growth • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 9-2. Food Chains and Food Webs / 237 Vocabulary • Communities and Ecosystems • Food Chains • Food Webs • Energy Flow • Pyramids • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 9-3. Ecological Relationships / 243 Vocabulary • Symbiotic Relationships • Competition • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 9-4. Biomes / 247 Vocabulary • Terrestrial Biomes • Aquatic Biomes • Ecological Succession • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers Lesson 9-5. Nutrient Cycles / 252 Vocabulary • Water Cycle • Carbon Cycle • Nitrogen Cycle • Lesson Summary • Review Questions • Answers PART III: FOUR PRACTICE TESTS / 257 Practice Test 1: BiologyE / 259 Answer Sheet • Practice Test 1 • Answer Key • Score Sheet • Answers and Explanations Practice Test 2: BiologyE / 278 Answer Sheet • Practice Test 2 • Answer Key • Score Sheet • Answers and Explanations Practice Test 3: BiologyM / 298 Answer Sheet • Practice Test 3 • Answer Key • Score Sheet • Answers and Explanations Practice Test 4: BiologyM / 317 Answer Sheet • Practice Test 4 • Answer Key • Score Sheet • Answers and Explanations

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