SAT II 数学-Level 2

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SAT II 数学-Level 2

SAT II 数学-Level 2


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SAT II 数学-Level 2 本书特色

本书由新东方从美国麦格劳-希尔教育出版公司倾力引进,是备考SAT Ⅱ 数学 Level 2的官方辅导教材。本书不仅全面涵盖了SAT Ⅱ 数学 Level 2的考点,而且提11套全真模拟试题供考生自测。此外,书中对所有题目都附有详细解析,便于考生认识自身的优势与不足,科学备考。

SAT II 数学-Level 2 内容简介

《新东方·新东方SAT考试辅导教材·SAT II数学Level 2》由约翰•迪尔、克里斯蒂•乔伊斯编著,《新东方·新东方SAT考试辅导教材·SAT II数学Level 2》由新东方从美国麦格劳—希尔出版公司倾力引进,是备考SAT Ⅱ数学Level 2的官方辅导教材。《新东方·新东方SAT考试辅导教材·SAT II数学Level 2》不仅全面涵盖了SAT Ⅱ数学Level 2的考点,而且提供11套(书中测试9套,在线测试2套)全真模拟试题供考生自测。此外,书中对所有题目的详细解析,便于考生认识自身的优势与不足,科学备考。

SAT II 数学-Level 2 目录

PART I: ABOUT THE SAT MATH LEVEL 2 TEST / 1 Chapter 1:Test Basics / 3 About the Math Level 2 Test / 3 When to Take the Test / 4 The Level 1 vs. Level 2 Test / 5 Scoring / 5General Test-Taking Strategies / 6 Chapter 2:Calculator Tips / 7 On the Day of the Test / 8 Chapter 3:Diagnostic Test / 9 Answer Sheet for the Diagnostic Test / 11 Diagnostic Test Questions / 14 Answer Key / 27Answers and Solutions / 27 Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses / 35 PART II: MATH REVIEW / 37 Chapter 4:Algebra / 39 Evaluating Expressions / 41 Fractions / 41 Percentages / 46 Exponents / 47 Real Numbers / 52 Absolute Value / 56 Radical Expressions / 57 Polynomials / 60 Quadratic Equations / 64 Inequalities / 68 Rational Expressions / 71 Systems / 74 Binomial Theorem / 79 Chapter 5:Solid Geometry / 81 Vocabulary for Polyhedra / 82 Review of Area Formulas / 83 Prisms / 84 Cylinders / 87 Pyramids / 88 Cones / 90 Spheres / 92 Volume Ratio of Similar Figures / 93 Coordinates in Three Dimensions / 94 Chapter 6:Coordinate Geometry / 96 Plotting Points / 97 Midpoint / 99Distance / 99 Slope / 101 Slope of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines / 102 Equations of Lines / 102 Circles / 106Parabolas / 108 Ellipses / 111 Hyperbolas / 112 Graphing Inequalities / 114 Graphing Absolute Value / 115 Symmetry / 116 Transformations / 117 Polar Coordinates / 118 Chapter 7:Trigonometry / 120 Right Triangle Trigonometry / 121 Relationships Among Trigonometric Ratios / 123 Special Right Triangles / 127 Trigonometric Identities / 128 Radian Measure / 129 Law of Cosines / 130 Law of Sines / 131 Trigonometric Equations / 133 Double Angle Formulas / 134 Chapter 8:Functions / 136 Function Notation / 137 Functions vs. Relations / 140 Composition of Functions / 143 Determining the Maximum or Minimum / 144 The Roots of a Quadratic Function / 146 Inverse Functions / 147 Rational Functions / 149 Higher-Degree Polynomial Functions / 150 Exponential Functions / 154 Logarithmic Functions / 155 Trigonometric Functions / 159 Inverse Trigonometric Functions / 163 Periodic Functions / 165 Piecewise Functions / 167 Recursive Functions / 168 Parametric Functions / 169 Chapter 9:Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability / 171 Mean, Median, Mode / 172 Range / 173 Interquartile Range / 174 Standard Deviation / 174 Data Interpretation / 175 Regression / 177 Probability / 181 Chapter 10:Numbers and Operations / 184 Invented Operations / 185 “In Terms of” Problems / 186 Ratio and Proportion / 186 Complex Numbers / 187 Counting Problems / 189 Number Theory / 191 Logic / 192 Matrices / 194 Sequences / 197 Series / 199 Vectors / 201 Limits / 202 PART III: EIGHT PRACTICE TESTS / 205 Practice Test 1 / 207 Answer Sheet for Practice Test 1 / 209 Practice Test 1 Questions / 212 Answer Key / 223 Answers and Solutions / 223 Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses / 231 Practice Test 2 / 233 Answer Sheet for Practice Test 2 / 235 Practice Test 2 Questions / 238 Answer Key / 249 Answers and Solutions / 249 Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses / 255 Practice Test 3 / 257 Answer Sheet for Practice Test 3 / 259 Practice Test 3 Questions / 262 Answer Key / 271 Answers and Solutions / 271 Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses / 279 Practice Test 4 / 281 Answer Sheet for Practice Test 4 / 283 Practice Test 4 Questions / 286 Answer Key / 297 Answers and Solutions / 297 Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses / 303 Practice Test 5 / 305 Answer Sheet for Practice Test 5 / 307 Practice Test 5 Questions / 310 Answer Key / 321 Answers and Solutions / 321 Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses / 327 Practice Test 6 / 329 Answer Sheet for Practice Test 6 / 331 Practice Test 6 Questions / 334 Answer Key / 345 Answers and Solutions / 345 Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses / 351 Practice Test 7 / 353 Answer Sheet for Practice Test 7 / 355 Practice Test 7 Questions / 358 Answer Key / 369 Answers and Solutions / 369 Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses / 375 Practice Test 8 / 377 Answer Sheet for Practice Test 8 / 379 Practice Test 8 Questions / 382 Answer Key / 393 Answers and Solutions / 393 Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses / 399

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