英国国情-英国社会与文化-(第2版)作者:常俊跃 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787301274392 定价:37.0 出版时间:2016-08-01 出版社:北京大学出版社 |
英国国情-英国社会与文化-(第2版) 本书特色
本教材编写中以英国社会文化发展为线索,展现英国社会各个方面的国家概况,既训练语言技能,也丰富相关知识。帮助读者了解英国社会文化的重大事件,系统介绍英国社会文化发展背景。语言材料真实、地道,穿插图表、照片等真实的视觉材料,表现手段活泼,效果生动直观。本次改版对难度有所调整,并增加教师资源包,以适应不同层次学生的需要。根据阅读材料的时效性进行增删。改版中增加“互联网 ”因素, 通过二维码呈现网络资源,增强文化类教材的特色。
英国国情-英国社会与文化-(第2版) 内容简介
英国国情-英国社会与文化-(第2版) 目录
unit 1 the english character / text a the english character (i) / text b the english character (ii) /text cthe understatement rule / unit 2 the constitutional monarchy /text a the constitutional monarchy / text b the role of the monarchy today / text c the queen’ s official birthday / text d diana, the people’s princess / unit 3 the british parliament / text a the british government today / text b political parties in the u.k. / text c margaret thatcher / unit 4 food and drinks in the u.k. / text a food and drinks in the u.k. / text b british meals / text c are you foodies? /text d pub etiquette / unit 5 the british ways & manners / text a politeness in britain / text b the rules of introduction / text c what’s typically british / text d social customs in britain / unit 6 education system in the u.k. / text a going to school: british style /text b boarding school / text c on liberal education / unit 7 the british welfare system / text a welfare system in the u.k. / text b the welfare state / text c the national health service /text d health and illness / unit 8 the british media / text a the british press / text b contemporary british television / text c british newspapers: a ready taxonomy of bristsh culture / text d drama and documentary on british television / unit 9 the law and justice in britain /text a the british legal system / text b origins of common law / text c jury system in the dock /text d the police in britain / unit 10 family life in the u.k. / text a family life in the u.k. / text b changing values & norms of the u.k. family / text c one?parent family / text d marriage customs / unit 11 the british sports & games / text a the british sports / text b cricket—a very english game / text c the highland games / text d traditional games in scotland / unit 12 theatre & music in the u.k. /text a theatre & music in the u.k. / text b pantomimes / text c commercial theatre and the musical / text d the beatles / unit 13 the british holidays & festivals / text a holidays and festivals in the u.k. / text b holiday life in england / text c valentine customs / unit 14 the british literature (i) / text a overview of british literature (i) / text b william shakespeare / text c to be, or not to be / text d of studies / unit 15 the british literature (ii) / text a overview of british literature (ii) / text b pride and prejudice / text c christmas dinner / text d agatha christie—queen of crime / appendix重点参考书目和网站 /英国国情-英国社会与文化-(第2版) 作者简介
常俊跃,大连外国语大学英语学院院长。主持并完成国家哲学社会科学项目“英语专业基础阶段内容依托式教学改革研究”,主持并正在进行国家社会科学基金项目立项“内容依托教学理论指导下英语专业整体课程体系的改革与实践研究”。 负责的专业2010年获国家级特色专业建设点。
外语 英语读物 英文版
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