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新托福TPO阅读词汇笔记 本书特色

     该书收录了托福tpo1—tpo34共102篇阅读文章的核心词汇和短语,和其他词汇书按照字母排序或词频排序不同,本书收录的词汇按照单词在文中出现的顺序排列,以段为单位呈现。所收录的不仅包括文中的词汇,还有题目中出现的新词、难词,真正实现了无障碍阅读。      每篇文章收录的词汇有200个左右,基本覆盖了阅读中所有的障碍词汇。另外,单词的注释也做了较大的革新,不再是多个词义的罗列,而是聚焦该词在当前语境下的词义,因此释义更加简洁,通过语境记单词的效果也更加明显。再者,作者认为,那些令我们印象深刻的单词,无一不是因其总是重复出现而被记住。      因此,在本书中,即使某个词在前一篇文章中已经出现过,如果其在下一篇文章中仍是重点,我们还会将其列出。一来可以检验之前的记忆效果,二来可以巩固记忆。      希望本书能帮助大家夯实基础,修炼“内功”,遵循语言学习的规律,在提高能力的基础上自然而然地收获高分。

新托福TPO阅读词汇笔记 内容简介

精选tpo1-tpo34共102篇阅读文章的核心词汇、短语 告别字母排序,单词按照文中顺序呈现,逐段扫除阅读障碍 释义简明,聚焦当前语境,减轻记忆单词负担 高频词条反复出现,巩固记忆效果 轻巧便携,方便随时随地翻阅 

新托福TPO阅读词汇笔记 目录

目录tpo1, passage 1    1timberline vegetation on mountainstpo1, passage 2    5the origins of theatertpo1, passage 3    9groundwatertpo2, passage 1    12desert formationtpo2, passage 2    16the origins of cetaceanstpo2, passage 3    19early cinematpo3, passage 1    22architecturetpo3, passage 2    26depletion of the ogallala aquifertpo3, passage 3    30the long-term stability of ecosystemstpo4, passage 1    34deer populations of the puget soundtpo4, passage 2    38cave art in europetpo4, passage 3    41petroleum resourcestpo5, passage 1    45minerals and plantstpo5, passage 2    49the origin of the pacific island peopletpo5, passage 3    53the cambrian explosiontpo6, passage 1    57powering the industrial revolutiontpo6, passage 2    60william smithtpo6, passage 3    63infantile amnesiatpo7, passage 1    66the geologic history of themediterraneantpo7, passage 2    69ancient rome and greecetpo7, passage 3 74agriculture, iron, and the bantu peoplestpo8, passage 1    78the rise of teotihuacantpo8, passage 2    82extinction of the dinosaurstpo8, passage 3    86running water on marstpo9, passage 1    90colonizing the americas via thenorthwest coasttpo9, passage 2    93reflection in teachingtpo9, passage 3    97the arrival of plant life in hawaiitpo10, passage 1   101chinese potterytpo10, passage 2   106variations in the climatetpo10, passage 3   110seventeenth-century european economicgrowthtpo11, passage 1   114ancient egyptian sculpturetpo11, passage 2   118orientation and navigationtpo11, passage 3   122begging by nestlingstpo12, passage 1   126which hand did they use?tpo12, passage 2   130transition to sound in filmtpo12, passage 3   134water in the deserttpo13, passage 1   138types of social groupstpo13, passage 2   142biological clockstpo13, passage 3   146methods of studying infant perceptiontpo14, passage 1   149children and advertisingtpo14, passage 2   153maya water problems?tpo14, passage 3   157pastoralism in ancient inner eurasia?tpo15, passage 1?   161glacier formation?tpo15, passage 2?   164a warm-blooded turtle?tpo15, passage 3?   167mass extinctions?tpo16, passage 1?   171trade and the ancient middle east?tpo16, passage 2?   175development of the periodic table?tpo16, passage 3?   178planets in our solar system?tpo17, passage 1   181europe's early sea trade with asiatpo17, passage 2?   185animal signals in the rain forest?tpo17, passage 3?   188symbiotic relationships?tpo18, passage 1?   192industrialization in the netherlands and scandinavia?tpo18, passage 2?   196the mystery of yawning?tpo18, passage 3?   200lightning?tpo19, passage 1?   203the roman army's impact on britaintpo19, passage 2   207succession, climax, and ecosystemstpo19, passage 3   211discovering the ice agestpo20, passage 1?   214westward migration?tpo20, passage 2   218early settlements in southwest asia?tpo20, passage 3   222fossil preservation?tpo21, passage 1?   226geothermal energy?tpo21, passage 2?   229the origins of agriculture?tpo21, passage 3?   233autobiographical memory?tpo22, passage 1?   237spartina?tpo22, passage 2?   241the birth of photography?tpo22, passage 3?   245the allende meteorite?tpo23, passage 1?   249urban climates?tpo23, passage 2?   253seventeenth-century dutch agriculture?tpo23, passage 3?   257rock art of the australia aborigines?tpo24, passage 1?   261lake water?tpo24, passage 2?   264breathing during sleep?tpo24, passage 3?   267moving into pueblos?tpo25, passage 1?   271the surface of mars?tpo25, passage 2?   274the decline of venetian shipping?tpo25, passage 3?   278the evolutionary origin of plants?tpo26, passage 1   282energy and the industrial revolutiontpo26, passage 2   286survival of plants and animals in desertconditionstpo26, passage 3   290sumer and the first cities of theancient near easttpo27, passage 1   294crafts in the ancient near easttpo27, passage 2  297the formation of volcanic islandstpo27, passage 3   299predator-prey cycles?tpo28, passage 1   301groundwatertpo28, passage 2   303early saharan pastoralists?tpo28, passage 3   305buck rubs and buck scrapes ?tpo29, passage 1   307characteristics of roman pottery?tpo29, passage 2?   309competition?tpo29, passage 3?   311the history of waterpower?tpo30, passage 1?   313role of play in development?tpo30, passage 2   315the pace of evolutionary change?tpo30, passage 3   317the invention of the mechanical clock ?tpo31, passage 1?   320speciation in geographically isolatedpopulations?tpo31, passage 2?   323early childhood education?tpo31, passage 3?   327savanna formation?tpo32, passage 1?   331plant colonization?tpo32, passage 2   334siam,1851-1910tpo32, passage 3?   338distributions of tropical bee colonies?tpo33, passage 1?   341the first civilizations?tpo33, passage 2?   346railroads and commercial agriculture in nineteenth-century united states?tpo33, passage 3?   350extinction episodes of the past?tpo34, passage 1?   353islamic art and the book?tpo34, passage 2?   356protection of plants by insects?tpo34, passage 3?   359the development of steam power?

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