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最后一片叶 目录

*后一片叶 欧·亨利
麦琪的礼物 欧·亨利
卡拉维拉县有名的跳蛙 马克·吐温
寂静的雪野 杰克·伦敦
变色龙 安东·契诃夫
竞选州长 马克·吐温
阿拉比 詹姆斯·乔伊斯
*后一课 阿尔封斯·都德
一小时的故事 凯特·肖邦
存根簿 彼得罗·德·阿拉尔贡
一桶白葡萄酒 埃德加·爱伦·坡
杀人者 欧内斯特·海明威
献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰 威廉·福克纳
警察与赞美诗 欧·亨利
在树林里 居伊·德·莫泊桑
修软垫椅的女人 居伊·德·莫泊桑

最后一片叶 相关资料

插图:最后一片叶The Last Leaf欧·亨利 / O. Henry欧·亨利(1862—1910),20世纪初美国著名短篇小说家,美国现代短篇小说创始人,批判现实主义作家,被誉为“美国的莫泊桑”。他一生极富传奇色彩,当过药房学徒、牧羊人、办事员、新闻记者、银行出纳员。1898年2月,他因贪污银行公款罪被判处五年徒刑,后提前获释。他的作品贴近百姓生活,结局往往出人意料,以“含泪微笑”的风格被誉为“美国生活的幽默百科全书”。代表作有《麦琪的礼物》《警察与赞美诗》《最后一片叶》等。In a little district west of Washington Square the streets have run crazy and broken themselves into small strips called "places" . These "places" make strange angles and curves. One Street crosses itself a time or two. An artist once discovered a valuable possibility in this street. Suppose a collector with a bill for paints, paper and canvas should, in traversing this route, suddenly meet himself coming back, without a cent having been paid on account!So, to quaint old Greenwich Village the art people soon came prowling, hunting for north windows and eighteenth-century gables and Dutch attics and low rents. Then they imported some pewter mugs and a chafing dish or two from Sixth Avenue, and became a "colony" .At the top of a squatty, three-story brick Sue and Johnsy had their studio. "Johnsy" was familiar for Joanna. One was from Maine; the other from California. They had met at the table d'hote of an Eighth Street "Delmonico' s" , and found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop sleeves so congenial that the joint studio resulted.That was in May. In November a cold, unseen stranger, whom the doctors called Pneumonia, stalked about the colony, touching one here and there with his icy fingers. Over on the east side this ravager strode boldly, smiting his victims by scores, but his feet trod slowly through the maze of the narrow and moss-grown "places" .Mr. Pneu

最后一片叶 作者简介


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