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英语学术论文写作 本书特色


英语学术论文写作 目录

introductionchapter i negotiating a topic  1.1 following personal interests  1.2 talking with other people  1.3 brainstorming  1.4 reading source materials    1.4.1 encyclopedias    1.4.9 books    1.4.3 periodical indexes    1.4.4 internet resourceschapter 2 narrowing down the research topic  2.1 considering the audience  2.2 working out a preliminary thesis  2.3 considering the available source materialschapter 3 taking notes  3.1 evaluation of sources  3.2 content of notes  3.3 tips on note-taking    3.3.1 documenting sources    3.3.2 being thorough and concise    3.3.3 putting one item on one card    3.3.4 a sample note  3.4 types of notes    3.4.1 direct quotation notes    3.4.2 paraphrase notes    3.4.3 summary notes    3.4.4 combination notes  3.5 taking notes on computers  3.6 avoiding plagiarism    3.6.1 forms of plagiarism    3.6.2 tips on avoiding plagiarismchapter 4 writing the paper  4.1 developing a thesis statement  4.2 working out an outline    4.2.1 types of outline symbols    4.2.2 types of outlines    4.2.3 sample outlines  4.3 producing a first draft    4.3.1 writing the introduction    4.3.2 writing the body    4.3.3 writing the conclusion  4.4 revising  4.5 preparing the final draftchapter 5 documenting sources: in-text citation and content notes  5.1 in-text citation    5.1.1 genera] guidelines    5.1.2 citing two or more authors    5.1.3 citing multiple works by the same author    5.1.4 citing titles of works    5.1.5 citing indirect sources    5.1.6 citing two or more works in a parenthetical reference    5.1.7 citing volume and page numbers    5.1.8 using ellipsis and square brackets.    5.1.9 citing literary works  5.2 using content noteschapter 6 documenting sources:works cited  6.1 general guidelines    6.1.1 author    6.1.2 title    6.1.3 place of publication    6.1.4 publisher's name    6.1.5 page number(s)  6.2 works cited format    6.2.1 books    6.2.2 periodicals    6.2.3 newspapers    6.2.4 miscellaneous sources    6.2.5 electronic publications  6.3 sample works citedchapter 7 writing abstracts, appendices and acknowledgements,  7.1 abstracts  7.2 appendices  7.3 acknowledgementschapter 8 alternative documentation styles  8.1 the apa style documentation    8.1.1 author-year system    8.1.2 apa reference guidelines    8.1.3 a sample references list  8.2 the chicago style documentation    8.2.1 note numbers    8.2.2 note form    8.2.3 endnotes and footnotes    8.2.4 sample first note referencesappendices    appendix a    appendix bworks citedindex 英语学术论文写作

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