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软件行业综合英语教程-高级英语阅读 本书特色


软件行业综合英语教程-高级英语阅读 内容简介


软件行业综合英语教程-高级英语阅读 目录

Chapter One Academic Success
Unit 1 Great Lectures 3
Part One:Read & Think 5
Kennedy Inaugural Address 5
Part Two:Applied Skills 11
Nine Techniques to Delivering a Speech with Confidence 11
Part Three:Extended Reading 17
The Artist as a Booster of the Human Heart: 17
Tips for Academic Study 20
Top Ten Study Tips 20
Unit 2 Learning, a Lifelong Skill 21
Part One:Read & Think 23
My MOOC Experience 23
Part Two:Applied Skills 29Chapter One Academic Success
Unit 1 Great Lectures 3
Part One:Read & Think 5
Kennedy Inaugural Address 5
Part Two:Applied Skills 11
Nine Techniques to Delivering a Speech with Confidence 11
Part Three:Extended Reading 17
The Artist as a Booster of the Human Heart: 17
Tips for Academic Study 20
Top Ten Study Tips 20
Unit 2 Learning, a Lifelong Skill 21
Part One:Read & Think 23
My MOOC Experience 23
Part Two:Applied Skills 29
Lifelong Learning 29
Part Three:Extended Reading 38
Grandma Moses 38
Tips for Academic Study 41
Concentration Tips 41
Unit 3 Doing Research 43
Part One: Read & Think 45
Darwin and Natural Selection 45
Part Two:Applied Skills 53
Research Methodology: An Introduction 53
Part Three:Extended Reading 62
Blood, Sweat and Tears: on the Path of Treating Malaria 62
Tips for Academic Study 65
When to study 65
Unit 4 Liberal Education 67
Part One:Read & Think 69
The Allegory of the Cave 69
Part Two:Applied Skills 76
Who Needs a Liberal Education? 76
Part Three: Extended Reading 84
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings 84
Tips for Academic Study 89
Six Reading Myths 89
Unit 5 Be a Good Writer 91
Part One:Read & Think 93
Ernest Hemingway and His Work 93
Part Two: Applied Skills 100
The Academic Writing Task 100
Part Three:Extended Reading 107
The Old Man and the Sea 107
Tips for Academic Study 110
Study Formula SQ3R 110
Chapter Two Career Advancement
Unit 6 Understand People 113
Part One:Read & Think 115
Personalities of Albert and Steve 115
Part Two:Applied Skills 122
Spirit of the Entrepreneur 122
Part Three:Extended Reading 129
Manage Your Boss—8 Ways to “Manage up” 129
Tips for Academic Study 133
Top 7 Tips for Understanding Why People Feel the Way They Do 133
Unit 7 Work with Others 135
Part One:Read & Think 137
Importance of Teamwork in Organizations 137
Part Two:Applied Skills 143
Five Steps to Building an Organizational Culture 143
Part Three:Extended Reading 157
Twelve Cs for Team Building 157
Tips for Career Advancement 160
Observer Assessment Form for Group Exercises 160
Unit 8 Manage Your Work 163
Part One:Read & Think 165
The Eisenhower Decision Matrix:How to Distinguish Between Urgent and Important Tasks
and Make Real Progress in Your Life 165
Part Two:Applied Skills 172
How to Communicate Effectively 172
Part Three:Extended Reading 182
Resource Management 182
Tips for Career Advancement 183
Self-management 183
Unit 9 Lead Your Work 185
Part One:Read & Think 187

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