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CNN新闻轻松听-每天2分钟 本书特色

  本书根据外语学习的科学原理精心打造,旨在为英语学习者提供zeiquanwei的学习资料,选取了CNN(Cable News Network,美国有线电视新闻网络)zui新新闻,题材广泛,涉及时事、金融、科技、社会生活、体育娱乐等多个领域,从体例上分为跟读模仿与听写提高两章,为读者量身打造科学的学习步骤,帮助读者在短时间内全方位参透新闻精华,实现英语能力质的飞跃!

CNN新闻轻松听-每天2分钟 目录

Part One 跟读模仿篇

Chapter 1The People’s Livelihood民生万象

Measles Outbreaksin America, More Serious / 4


Fight against EbolaHas Moved into Its Second Phase, Ending the Outbreak / 7


MERS Has Come tothe United States / 10
Part One 跟读模仿篇 Chapter 1The People’s Livelihood民生万象 Measles Outbreaks in America, More Serious / 4 美国麻疹疫情堪忧 Fight against Ebola Has Moved into Its Second Phase, Ending the Outbreak / 7 抗击埃博拉病毒进入第二阶段,彻底终结疫情 MERS Has Come to the United States / 10 美国出现中东呼吸系统综合征疫情 Enterovirus Pops Up in the United States Again / 13 肠道病毒再次肆虐美国大陆 Knowing Cortisol Can Help Reduce Stress / 16 了解人体应激激素皮质醇,科学助你减压轻松应试 Strong Earthquake Shook Chile, 6 People Dead / 19 智利发生强震,引发海啸造成6人死亡 Bad Weather Hampers Search for Missing AirAsia Plane / 22 恶劣天气导致亚航搜寻工作进展缓慢 Kenya Is Telling the United Nations to Relocate Refugee Camp / 25 肯尼亚要求联合国迁走难民营 Chapter 2Entertainment & Arts文艺娱乐 Turkey and Turkey-eating Competition in Thanksgiving / 30 感恩节的火鸡和吃火鸡比赛 Letter Written by Titanic Survivor Is Up for Auction / 33 泰坦尼克号幸存者信件拍卖 The Window Washers of the Burj Khalifa / 36 迪拜哈利法塔玻璃清洁工人挑战世界*高楼 Celebrities Using Their Fame for Good Cause / 39 名人效应带来良好效果 American Military Promotes Its Good Image Through Hollywood / 42 美国军队用好莱坞宣扬自己的良好形象 Supreme Court Deciding on Whether Aereo Is Legal Equipment or Pirate / 45 美*高法院提审网络电视侵权案 Mustang Celebrates Its Anniversary atop the Empire State Building / 48 福特野马登顶帝国大厦庆生 Crossover Concept Cars Shown on Detroit Auto Show / 51 跨界概念车亮相底特律车展 Washington Monument Reopens to the Public / 54 美国华盛顿纪念碑时隔三年重新开放 Bones of Tyrannosaur Rex Migrated into Smithsonian Museum / 57 罕见霸王龙骨架来到华盛顿自然历史博物馆 Drowsy Driving Means No Less Harm than Drunk Driving / 60 疲劳驾驶等同酒后驾驶 Free Speech or Call to Violence / 63 社交网络上的言论自由界限 Chapter 3Sports体育新闻 Sochi, Russia, Is the Site of 22nd Winter Olympics / 68 索契冬奥会开幕在即 Major League Baseball Deals with Collision Issues / 71 美国职业棒球大联盟应对球员冲撞受伤问题 Bostonians Preparing for Marathon While Remembering Last Year’s Terrorist Attack / 74 波士顿马拉松赛如期举行 Sports-related Concussion Needs to Be Paid More Attention / 77 奥巴马表示运动脑震荡需要更多的关注 NBA’s 76ers Calling Player with Down Syndrome / 80 费城76人队签约唐氏综合征患者 Chapter 4Environment & Nature环境与自然 2014 Atlantic Hurricane Season Will Be Active / 84 2014年美国或将迎来极为活跃飓风季 Fire Continues to Spread in Southern California / 87 美国加利福尼亚州大火持续蔓延 Obama’s Big Environmental Move: Power Plants to Cut Carbon Emissions by 30 Percent / 90 奥巴马推气候新政,16年内欲减排30% Mars Inc. Publishes 2014 “Principles in Action Summary” / 93 玛氏公司发布践行原则,抵制环境破坏 United States Suffering Historic Cold Weather / 96 美国过半地区遭遇多年不遇严寒天气 Yellow Dust on the Korean Peninsula / 99 韩国发出黄色沙尘警报 America Was Severely Buffeted by Blizzard / 102 美国遭受暴风雪重创 Tropical Storm Moved in Southern California / 105 热带风暴抵达美国南加州 White House Released New Report on Climate Change / 108 白宫报告称气候变化已降临 Warning of Flooding Risk As Heavy Rain Hits / 111 英国洪水持续泛滥,多地继续发布严重灾情警告 Abnormal Earthquake Swarm Shakes Nevada / 114 震群型地震袭击内华达 Chapter 5 Society & Lives 社会生活 Social Issues Confronted by the Millennials / 118 美国千禧一代面临的社会难题 America Says No to Canada’s Petroleum Transmission Pipeline / 121 美国拒绝加拿大输油管道项目 Should Passengers on Planes Be Able to Use Cell Phones / 124 美国考虑允许在飞机上打电话引发热议 Candy Crush Saga Goes Public / 127 热门游戏《糖果粉碎传奇》开发公司挂牌上市 Food’s Nutrition Labels Will Be Changed for the First Time / 130 美国食品营养标签20年来将首次大幅修改 First Lady Supports Child Nutrition Law / 133 奥巴马夫人拥护儿童营养法案 Retailers Prepare for Thanksgiving Shopping / 136 感恩节购物潮临近 General Motors Recalls Cars / 139 通用汽车公司召回问题汽车 Desalination Plant Will Help Provide California with Water / 142 海水淡化厂将帮助加利福尼亚净化海水 Use of Body Camera May Promote a Reform in Police System / 145 配备摄像头或将推动美国警察制度改革 Chemical Leak Was Found in West Virginia / 148 西弗吉尼亚州化学泄漏 Stabbing Spree Leaves 20 People Injured at a Pennsylvania High School / 151 美国宾夕法尼亚一高中发生持刀行凶案 Part Two 听写提高篇 Chapter 6  In the News 时事新闻 Pentagon Plans for Cutting US Military / 158 美国防部大幅缩减军队规模 Iran Nuclear Negotiation Meets the Deadline / 161 伊朗核谈判大限将至 Election in Israel Is On / 164 以色列举行大选 North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Finally Shows Up / 167 神秘消失金正恩终露面 NATO Releases Photographic Evidence of Russian Military Activity in Ukraine / 170 北约公布俄军在乌克兰境内活动照片 Cease-fire Bringing Temporary Relief to Homs Civilians in Syria / 173 停火协议为霍姆斯居民带来短暂安宁 US Midterm Elections Are Coming / 176 美国迎来中期选举 Protests Continue in Ukraine / 179 乌克兰抗议活动持续 Jacob Zuma, Involved in Scandals May Win a Second Term as President of South Africa / 182 身陷丑闻南非总统祖马或能连任 Thailand Army Imposing Martial Law / 185 泰国军方宣布全国戒严 Obama Orders to Investigate Veterans Affairs Hospitals’ Scandal / 188 奥巴马责令彻查退伍军人医疗丑闻 CIA Released a Controversial Report on Torture / 191 美国公布中情局用刑报告 Vatican Seeing Canonization of Two Popes / 194 罗马教皇同时追封两任前教皇为圣徒 Chapter 7 World News 国际动态 Malaysian Government Issued Initial Report on Missing MH370 / 198 马来西亚公布MH370初步调查报告 Delhi Has Worst Air Quality / 201 德里成空气质量*差城市 Russian Stranded Ship in Antarctica Rescued by Helicopter / 204 俄科考船被困南极,*终依靠直升机获救 Passenger Ferry Capsized in South Korea, Hundreds Missing / 207 韩国客轮沉没,遇难人数不断增加 Panama Canal Expansion Project May Be Completed by 2016 / 210 巴拿马运河扩建工程或将延至2016年完工 United Nations General Assembly Opens in New York / 213 联合国大会在纽约联合国总部开幕 Scottish Independence Referendum Result Is to Unfold / 216 苏格兰公投尘埃未定 President Obama Is on His Week-long Trip Abroad / 219 奥巴马总统开始一周海外之旅 High Voters’ Turnout in Afghanistan Presidential Election / 222 阿富汗大选投票率超预期 Hostage Unfolded in Sydney / 225 澳大利亚悉尼咖啡馆人质事件 US–Cuba Relations Seem to Break the Ice / 228 美国—古巴关系出现破冰征兆 Chapter 8 Finance & Economy 金融经济 Unemployment Report Came Out Before Midterm Election / 232 美政府中期选举前公布失业报告 Germany, Europe’s Biggest Economy, Could Slip into a Recession / 235 火车头德国经济熄火 President Obama Calling for a Higher Minimum Wage / 238 奥巴马总统呼吁提高*低工资标准 Young Americans Pessimistic about American Dream / 241 经济衰退后遗症让美国梦难以实现 Intense Negotiations Around US Debt Ceiling / 244 美国债务上限谈判迎来生死时速 Russia Holding Ukraine in Cheaper Natural Gas / 247 俄罗斯用天然气协议留住乌克兰 Senate Confirms Janet Yellen as FED Chair / 250 耶伦掌舵美联储 “Abenomics” Facing New Challenges / 253 安倍经济学继续迎接考验 Spain Considers Time Zone Change to Boost Productivity / 256 西班牙考虑更改时区,提高生产力 Chapter 9 Science & Technology 科技在线 United Nations Discuss Ethical Issues on Killer Robots / 260 联合国将就杀手机器人伦理问题进行讨论 Smithsonian Institution Uses 3D-Digitizing Images to Create a New Era / 263 史密森尼博物院应用3D打印技术开创博物馆新纪元 Drone and Cell Phone Hacking / 266 黑客利用无人机或将截获智能手机数据 FBI Raids Blackshades Malware / 269 美联邦调查局突击黑影黑客链 Modern Robots Can Serve for Security Assurance / 272 应运而生现代机器人提供安全保障 Google Glass Banned for Drivers in Several States / 275 美国多州或将禁止开车时戴谷歌眼镜 3D Printer May Help Settle Medical Problems / 278 3D打印机或能帮助解决医学难题 Drone May Save Lives in Crucial Moments in the Future / 281 无人机未来或能在黄金时间内挽救心脏病患者 Google X Labs Invents Nanoparticle Diagnostics Pill / 284 谷歌X实验室研究纳米药丸技术 Chapter 10 Aeronautics & Astronautics 航空航天 Solar Impulse 2 Takes Off on Its Global Journey / 288 太阳能飞机开启环球之旅 NASA Uses NuSTAR to Hunt for Black Holes / 291 美宇航局发射核光谱望远镜阵列搜寻黑洞 Mars One Mission Is Going to Land on Mars / 294 非营利组织“火星一号”任务或将登陆火星 U-2 Reconnaissance Airplane Disrupts California’s Air Traffic Control System / 297 U-2侦察机使加州空管系统不堪重负 An Unmanned Spacecraft Rosetta Back on Its Mission / 300 科学家们唤醒罗塞塔号飞船继续探索宇宙之旅 LEAF Simulates Noise of a Rocket Launch up to 154 Decibels / 303 欧洲研究者模拟火箭音效高达154分贝 Asteroid Named DX110 Is Passing Close to Earth / 306 DX110小行星与地球擦身而过 NASA’s New Horizons Aircraft Sent Back Its First Color Photo of Pluto / 309 NASA“新地平线号”传回**张冥王星彩照 Rocket Exploded Soon after Being Launched / 312 美国火箭凌空爆炸信息

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