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大学英语交互阅读教程-4 内容简介


大学英语交互阅读教程-4 目录

Reading Matters 4:Overview
Introduction to the Second Edition
UNIT 1 Creativitg
Chapter 1 Laughter: The Creative Force
The Science of Jokes
The Science of Laughter
How Laughter LUorks
Chapter 2 Our Creative Brain
From Bird by Bird
1 Children Are Our Best Teachers, Part A
SpecialTalents, Part A
2 Children Are Our Best Teachers, Part B
SpecialTalents, Part B Reading Matters 4:Overview
Introduction to the Second Edition
UNIT 1 Creativitg
Chapter 1 Laughter: The Creative Force
The Science of Jokes
The Science of Laughter
How Laughter LUorks
Chapter 2 Our Creative Brain
From Bird by Bird
1 Children Are Our Best Teachers, Part A
SpecialTalents, Part A
2 Children Are Our Best Teachers, Part B
SpecialTalents, Part B
Mental Breakout
UNIT 2 Bodg Science: Movingin NeLu Directions
Chapter 3 Aging
Reversing Human Aging
Second Thoughts on extending Life Spans
Science Values Grandm others
Chapter 4 Bodg Shape
How We Grew So Big
The Gorge-Yourself Environment
1 Fitness:The One Hour/Day Wau
Journeg to Better Fitness Starts With 10,000 Steps
2 Fitness:The Six Minutes/Day Way
Short Intensive Workouts Are Just as Effective as Long Sessions
UNIT 3 The environment
Chapter 5 NaturaL Disasters
The Boxing Dag 2004 Tsunami
How Hero Saved His Familg from KilLer LUave
Chapter 6 Urban GroLuth and Water SuppLg
The LUorLd Shortage of LUater
1 The Sinking Citg
LUater Crisis as Mexico Citg Sinks Faster than Venice
2 The Thirstg Kingdom
In Jordan, the Feared Mideast Water Shortage Is Alreadg Realitg
UNIT 4 The Age of Communications
Chapter 7 The Internet: Blessing or Curse
Invasion of Privacg
1 Benefits of Online Crime?
Fighting Crime One Computer at a Tme
2 Friendship On Line?
Web Friend or Faux?
Chapter 8 CeLL Phones:BLessing or Curse
Cell Phone:A Convenience, a Hazard, or Both?
Cell Phones Have Transformed How We Communicate
A World of Difference
UNIT 5 Economics
Chapter 9 The Economics of Evergdag Life
Is There Another Wag to Pag?
Just Swipe It
Chapter 10 The Business of Ethics
How to TeLL Right from Wrong
1 The Rewards of EthicalBehavior
Is Ethics Its Own Reward?
2 Mixing Business and Morals
Can Business and Morals Mix?
UNIT 6 The World of Man and Animals
Chapter 11 The Lives of Chimps:The Treatment of Animals
Chimpanzees in Africa
1 The Animalin Our World:The Casein Favor
The Animal Rights Revolution
2 The Animalin His World:Where Do Rights Lead?
Chapter 12 The Sole of Evolution
The Foot:Hother of Humanity
Endof Foot Evolution?
Text Credits
Word List信息

大学英语交互阅读教程-4 作者简介

作者:(美国)沃利(Mary Lee Wholey) 亨内恩 (Nadia Henein)


外语 大学英语 英语专业


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