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管理实务英语 本书特色

史宝玉主编的这《管理实务英语》设计了两大模块:**模块为管理类基础知识部分,包括管理环境分析、企业经营决策、人力资源管理、市场营销等内容,对企业管理相关知识进行了全面系统的阐述,在增加学习者相关理论的同时,培养了双语思维能力;第二模块为实务部分,编写中紧密结合对外贸易过程,分别介绍了外贸函电的内容和写作要求、商务合同的具体条款等,通过本部分培养学生对商务英语的实际应用能力。 本书适合高等院校管理专业学生作为教材使用。

管理实务英语 内容简介

本书设计了两大模块: **模块为管理类基础知识部分, 包括管理环境分析、企业经营管理、人力资源管理、市场营销等内容 ; 第二模块为实务部分, 介绍了外贸函电的内容和写作要求等。

管理实务英语 目录

Unit Ⅰ Basic Knowledge of Business Section
Chapter 1 Introduction to Business Administration
Part Ⅰ Management Functions
Part Ⅱ Aims of Business Administration
Part Ⅲ Importance of Business
Chapter 2 Marketing
Part Ⅰ Market and Marketing
Part Ⅱ Marketing Management Process
Part Ⅲ Organizational Markets and Buying Behavior
Part Ⅳ Consumer Markets and Consumer Behavior
Part Ⅴ Marketing Services and Person Marketing
Part Ⅵ Guanxi Marketing
Chapter 3 Finance Management and Accounting
Part Ⅰ Finance Management Introduction and FunctionsUnit Ⅰ Basic Knowledge of Business Section
Chapter 1 Introduction to Business Administration
Part Ⅰ Management Functions
Part Ⅱ Aims of Business Administration
Part Ⅲ Importance of Business
Chapter 2 Marketing
Part Ⅰ Market and Marketing
Part Ⅱ Marketing Management Process
Part Ⅲ Organizational Markets and Buying Behavior
Part Ⅳ Consumer Markets and Consumer Behavior
Part Ⅴ Marketing Services and Person Marketing
Part Ⅵ Guanxi Marketing
Chapter 3 Finance Management and Accounting
Part Ⅰ Finance Management Introduction and Functions
Part Ⅱ Capital Structure and Capitalization in Finance
Part Ⅲ Accounting Profession
Part Ⅳ Conventions of Contemporary Accounting
Chapter 4 Management of Information System
Part Ⅰ Science of Information
Part Ⅱ Information Management
Part Ⅲ Information Professional
Chapter 5 Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
Part Ⅰ Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain
Part Ⅱ Activities and Aims of Logistics
Chapter 6 Innovation and Globalization
Part Ⅰ The Sources of Invention and Innovation
Part Ⅱ Innovation Definitions
Part Ⅲ Globalization and Business Competition

Unit Ⅱ Application Section
Chapter 1 Business Letter Writing
Part Ⅰ Basic Knowledge
Part Ⅱ Layout of a Business Letter
Part Ⅲ Writing of Envelope
Part Ⅳ Exercises
Chapter 2 Establishment of Business Relations
Part Ⅰ Basic Knowledge
Part Ⅱ New Words and Expressions
Part Ⅲ Examples of Letters
Part Ⅳ Useful Sentence Patterns and Examples
Part Ⅴ Exercises
Chapter 3 Offer, Counter.offer and Acceptance
Part Ⅰ Basic Knowledge
Part Ⅱ New Words and Expressions
Part Ⅲ Examples of Letters
Part Ⅳ Useful Sentence Patterns and Examples
Part Ⅴ Exercises
Chapter 4 Methods of Payment
Part Ⅰ Basic Knowledge
Part Ⅱ New Words and Expressions
Part Ⅲ Examples of Letters
Part Ⅳ Useful Sentence Patterns and Examples
Part V Exercises
Chapter 5 Packing and Shipment
Part Ⅰ Basic Knowledge
Part Ⅱ New Words and Expressions
Part Ⅲ Examples of Letters
Part Ⅳ Useful Sentence Patterns and Examples
Part Ⅴ Exercises
Chapter 6 Insurance
Part Ⅰ Basic Knowledge
Part Ⅱ New Words and Expressions
Part Ⅲ Examples of Letters
Part Ⅳ Useful Sentence Patterns and Examples
Part Ⅴ Exercises
Chapter 7 Useful Sentence Patterns in Writing

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外语 行业英语 其它行业外语
