托福考试口语特训-(MP3 INSIDE)

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托福考试口语特训-(MP3 INSIDE)

托福考试口语特训-(MP3 INSIDE)


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托福考试口语特训-(MP3 INSIDE) 本书特色


托福考试口语特训-(MP3 INSIDE) 内容简介

《托福考试口语特训》是“托福考试特训系列”图书中针对口语部分的专项训练,本系列图书共包含听力、口语、阅读和写作特训四本,均完全按照托福考试要求编写。本书共分为6个章节,包含68个单元的练习材料,全面破解托福考试的6大考试题型,帮助考生学练结合,高效备考。同时,本书还附赠mp3录音光盘,包含书中所有练习题目的录音,发音标准,语调地道,是一本权威、全面、科学的托福口语备考书籍!   ◆大量口语练习材料,话题广泛,全面满足备考需求   ◆68个单元精练详解,6大题型逐个突破   ◆提供多种练习方式,逐步掌握答题技巧   ◆特设口语模拟试题,体验真实考试情景   ◆提供标准答案范例,辅以精准中文翻译   ◆随书配有mp3光盘,囊括所有口语题目和答案以及听力材料,发音标准,语调地道  

托福考试口语特训-(MP3 INSIDE) 目录

- introduction
- structures & features
chapter 1 independent speaking 1 (personal experience)
 unit 1_person
 unit 2_culture
 unit 3_event
 unit 4_animals
 unit 5_tv & movies
 unit 6_music
 unit 7_literature
 unit 8_subjects at school
 unit 9_sports
 unit 10_personal possessions
 unit 11_famous words
 unit 12_personal words
 unit 13_emotion & sentiment
 unit 14_games
 unit 15_style & habits
 unit 16_food
 unit 17_hobby
 practice test
chapter 2 independent speaking 2 (personal preference)
 sample_renting an apartment or living in dormitories
 section 1_preference (unit 1~7)
 unit 1_a car or a vacation
 unit 2_cash or gift
 unit 3_studying alone or in a group
 unit 4_making a complaint in person or in writing
 unit 5_indoors or outdoors
 unit 6_customs
 unit 7_by car or by train
 section 2_agree or disagree (unit 1~8)
 unit 1_chores
 unit 2_beauty
 unit 3_success
 unit 4_decisions
 unit 5_professional athletes and entertainers
 unit 6_zoos
 unit 7_teaching
 unit 8_military service
 section 3_comparison (unit 1~8)
 unit 1_a summer job
 unit 2_travel
 unit 3_used items
 unit 4_censorship
 unit 5_a retail store
 unit 6_learning a new language
 unit 7_news
 unit 8_food
 practice test
chapter 3 integrated speaking 1 (reading & listening; conversation)
 sample_an online program
 unit 1_professor fairway
 unit 2_the commuter challenge competition
 unit 3_a curriculum change
 unit 4_the international internship program
 unit 5_library closures
 unit 6_fire regulations
 unit 7_a nature walk
 practice test
chapter 4 integrated speaking 2 (reading & listening; lecture)
 unit 1_communication and language
 unit 2_is air matter?
 unit 3_objectivity in journalism
 unit 4_human genome project
 unit 5_animal rights
 unit 6_romanticism
 unit 7_pesco-and pollo-vegetarianism
 practice test
chapter 5 integrated speaking 3 (listening; conversation)
 sample_interviewing homeless people
 unit 1_future plans
 unit 2_choosing a play
 unit 3_work shift
 unit 4_taking a working or relaxing holiday
 unit 5_a mountain climbing trek
 unit 6_capital punishment
 unit 7_the use of zoos
 practice test
chapter 6 integrated speaking 4 (listening; lecture)
 sample_california's agriculture

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