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 05 raising the minimum wage reduces poverty 提高*低工资可减少贫困.
 06 why do you go to college? 你为什么上大学?.
 07 sardines will abandon you 沙丁鱼将离你而去
 08 what america won in the "war on poverty"?"向贫困宣战",美国赢得了什么?
 09 the nuke that might have been 核电本可以是这样的
 10 my father was a wartime spy 我父亲曾是战时间谍
 11 don't worry, be happy 保持开朗,不要忧郁
 12 future service robots 未来的服务型机器人
 13 the morality test 道德测试
 14 eating our young"剥削"年轻人.
 15 the drugs don't work 失效的药物
 16 save the post office from extinction 拯救处境危难的美国邮局
 17 what dreams are made of? 是什么构成了梦境?
 18 global markets hit by fears of growth slowdown经济增长放缓之忧重创全球股市.
 19 flexible study for the future universities 未来大学的灵活性学习方法
 20 what do the humanities teach us? 人文学科教会我们什么?
part 3 仔细阅读
 01 delivery by drone? 用无人机送货?
 02 why you have the illusion that your phone is vibrating? 为什么会有手机震动的幻觉?
 03 youth unemployment 年轻人失业
 04 tobacco control has saved 8 million lives 控烟工作拯救了800万生命
 05 the art market: fairly popular 艺术品市场:备受欢迎
 06 millennials dream about travel and self-employment千禧一代梦想旅行和自主创业
 07 know yourself: how mindfulness can improve self-knowledge认识自我--专注力如何提升自我认知
 08 will the leaning tower of pisa ever fall? 比萨斜塔会倒塌吗?
 09 more time is needed to pay off the mortgage 还清房贷需要更长时间
 10 sorry, marriage is a "luxury good" 抱歉,婚姻可是奢侈品
 11 weak hurricane season: a surprise and a puzzle弱势飓风季:是惊喜,也是困惑
 12 the myth of blind conformity 人性盲从之谜
 13 america's clash of generations is inevitable 美国人代际之争不可避免
 14 you have never actually used a styrofoam product其实你从未使用过泡沫塑料制品
 15 it's better to be right than happy 正确比快乐更重要
 16 form good habits instead of enhancing self-control ability培养好习惯而不是提高自控能力
 17 are people really staring at you? 别人真的在盯着你看吗?
 18 what if there were no gravity on earth? 如果地球没有引力将会怎样?
 19 big banks and high-cost lenders 大银行与高成本借贷机构
 20 is an expensive watch any better at telling time? 昂贵的手表报时更准吗?
 21 the brains of men and women really are different男性的大脑和女性的大脑真的不同
 22 walt disney 华特?迪士尼
 23 aids in india: the cost of living 艾滋病在印度:生存的成本
 24 gm maize and health 转基因玉米与健康
 25 intelligence 智力
 26 bigger weddings lead to happier marriages 婚礼越盛大,婚姻越幸福
 27 a decline of the traditional work-moral values传统工作道德价值观日趋下降
 28 conceptions of the world is relative to the language one learns? 世界观与所学语言相关吗?
 29 the spice of language 语言的调味料
 30 the extinction of the whales 鲸鱼的灭绝
 31 too much choice leads to riskier decisions过多的选择导致人们做出更冒险的决定
 32 ostracism cuts both ways 排斥行为伤及双方
 33 what effect does extreme cold have on the human body? 极寒天气会给人体带来什么影响?
 34 retroviruses: koala killer 考拉杀手:反转录病毒.
 35 growing up poor and stressed impacts brain function在贫穷和压力中成长会影响大脑功能
 36 electricity from waste heat with more efficient materials使用高效能材料可将废热转化为电能.
 37 what you should ask before opting for elective surgery选择择期手术前你应该问些什么?
 38 why are there so many tunnels under london? 伦敦为什么有这么多隧道?
 39 our history is under attack 被攻击的历史.
 40 scientists discover freshwater under the ocean科学家在海洋下发现淡水


六级阅读强化训练600题-新题型 作者简介

  新东方考试研究中心:   汇聚了新东方长期从事英语教学和研究工作的一线教师、辅导专家和资深编辑。他们具有丰富的教学经验,准确把握各类考试的命题指导思想、命题规律和命题趋势,熟知考生在备考阶段存在的弱点和误区。所编写的辅导用书凝聚了多年教学实践和理论探索之精华,方便考生明确备考方向,高效复习迎考。


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