过程装备与控制工程专业英语作者:魏新利 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787122219961 定价:30.0 出版时间:2015-03-01 出版社:化学工业出版社 |
过程装备与控制工程专业英语 本书特色
本教材共分为六个部分(part),每个部分5个单元(unit),共30个单元,每个单元由一篇课文和一篇阅读材料组成。另外有1个附录“专业英语阅读指导”和词汇总表。阅读材料提供与课文相应的背景知识或是课文的续篇,以进一步拓宽课文内容。根据课文与阅读材料的内容,配有相应的练习题、注释和词汇表。课文与阅读材料共计60篇,均选自原版英文教科书、科技报告、著作、专业期刊等。体裁较广,基本覆盖了过程装备与控制工程专业的相关内容。 每篇课文后边的词汇与练习,主要是帮助读者在专业内容方面进行英语阅读的训练。附录的“专业英语阅读指导”,主要针对专业英语的语言特点和表达习惯,用于指导读者对专业英语的阅读和理解。 本教材可供过程装备与控制工程及相关专业本科生使用,也可作为同等程度的专业技术人员使用。
过程装备与控制工程专业英语 目录
partⅰengineering mechanicsunit 1introduction to mechanics of materials
reading material 1introduction to rest and motion
unit 2normal stress and strain
reading material 2mechanical properties of materials
unit 3shear stress and strain
reading material 3shear forces and bending moments
unit 4fundamental concepts of dynamics
reading material 4newton’s second law of motion
unit 5statics of rigid bodies
reading material 5motion of rigid bodies
part ⅱmetallic materials
unit 6metals
reading material 6stainless steel
unit 7properties of materials
reading material 7standard mechanical tests
unit 8manufacturing engineering process
reading material 8manufacturing engineering process (continued)
unit 9internal structure of steel
reading material 9engineering plastics
unit 10corrosion of metals
reading material 10corrosion control
part ⅲprocess principles
unit 11transport phenomena occurring during food drying process60reading material 11viscous momentum transfer in gassolids flow
unit 12heat transfer
reading material 12heat pipe
unit 13mass transfer characteristics
reading material 13evaporation
unit 14chemical reaction engineering
reading material 14experimental design approach to chemical
engineering unit operations laboratories
unit 15chemical engineering
reading material 15chemical industry87p
art ⅳprocess equipment
unit 16pressure vessels and their components
reading material 16design of pressure vessels
unit 17distillation equipment
reading material 17packed tower
unit 18heat exchanger
reading material 18shellandtube heat exchanger
unit 19absorption equipment
reading material 19tray tower
unit 20reactors
reading material 20basic stirred tank design
part ⅴprocess machinery
unit 21pumps
reading material 21centrifugal pumps
unit 22compressors
reading material 22positive displacement compressors
unit 23mechanical seal
reading material 23valves
unit 24solid/liquid separators(ⅰ)
reading material 24solid/liquid separators(ⅱ)
unit 25vibration
reading material 25introduction to monitoring and diagnostics
part ⅵprocess control
unit 26introduction to process control
reading material 26elements of a process control system
unit 27control theory basics
reading material 27open and closed control loops
unit 28control loop equipment and technology
reading material 28instrumentation equipment
unit 29the modes of control action(ⅰ)
reading material 29the modes of control action(ⅱ)
unit 30industrial process control systems(ⅰ)
reading material 30industrial process control systems(ⅱ)
外语 行业英语 科技英语
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