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航空专业英语 本书特色

《航空专业英语》是根据全国高校航空电子设备维修专业需求,结合学校向民用航空发展的实际,按照学校培养目标、教学计划,参考中国民用航空总局颁发的ccar-147部民用航空维修基础培训大纲、ccar-66部维修人员培训大纲、航空公司实际工作需求、国内外民用航空飞机资料,以及飞机维修所需的工具、材料、工艺等相关知识编写的。   《航空专业英语》编写的指导思想是一切从实际出发,突出实用特色,重点围绕民航飞机、发动机、航空电子维修以及飞机修理技术人员工作所需要的基本知识和技能。为此,《航空专业英语》以现在主流的民用飞机——波音飞机——为载体,以波音747为例进行内容组建,包括航空电源、飞行控制、通信导航、发动机、飞机结构、eicas及常用工具等现代民用航空领域专业的有关词汇及相关的内容。

航空专业英语 目录

unit 1 aircraft nomenclature
 1 axes of an airplane
 2 the parts of an airplane
 3 flighttheory
unit 2 airplane's lntroduction
unit 3 parts of airplanes
unit 4 general ( 1 )
 1 general arrangement
 2 airplane dimensions
 3 airplane zone system
 4 airplane servicing
 5 airplane towing and taxiing
 6 airplane jacking
unit 5 general ( 2 )
 1 composite materials
 2 equipment centers and panels
 3 esds device handling
 4 flight compartment panels
 5 lighted pushbutton switches
 6 ground crew call
unit 6 how can i be an aircraft mechanic?
 1 what is a mechanic job like?
 2 do i need a license to be an aircraft mechanic?
 3 do i need any other certificate to work on avionics equipment ?
 4 basic requirements
 5 experiencerequirements
 6 oral, practical & written tests
unit 7 turbojet engines
 l introduction
 2 constructional arrangements
unit 8 avionics general
 1 avionics general
 2 avionics equipment location
 3 flight deck panels
 4 main equipment center
 5 mid equipment center
 6 voice and recorder/flight recorder rack installation
 7 electronic equipment racking
 8 antenna locations
unit 9 communication general ( 1 )
 1 communication general
 2 navigation general
unit 10 communication general
unit 11 autoflight general
unit 12 electrical systems
unit 13 eicas
unit 14 illmination systems
unit 15 flight control
unit 16 hydraulic systems
unit 17 auxiliary power units
unit 18 landing gear
unit 19 fuel systems
appendix i : ata chapter no
appendix ii : basic tools
appendix ⅲ : avionics testers
appendix ⅳ: materials & processes 航空专业英语

外语 行业英语 科技英语
