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专门用途英语课程的设置 本书特色


专门用途英语课程的设置 目录

list of figures and tablespre faceacknowledgementslist of abbreviations1 introduction  1.1 describing esp  1.2 areas in esp  1.3 demands of teaching esp  1.4 effectiveness of esp  1.5 summary  1.6 discussionpart 1 main considerations in esp course development2 analysing needs  2.1 introduction  2.2 definitions of needs analysis  2.3 hypothetical scenarios  2.4 needs analysis as a course design process  2.5 building on existing knowledge  2.6 types of information to collect  2.7 summary  2.8 discussion3 investigating specialist discourse  3.1 importance of de*ions of specialist discourse in esp  3.2 when teachers/course developers conduct investigations  3.3 approaches to investigation of specialist communication  3.4 summary  3.5 discussion4 developing the curriculum  4.1 focusing the course  4.2 determining course content  4.3 developing materials  4.4 evaluating courses and materials  4.5 summary  4.6 discussionpart 2 case studies in esp course development5 english for the police  5.1 context  5.2 investigating needs  5.3 investigating specialist discourse  5.4 designing the course and materials  5.5 responding to difficulties and constraints  5.6 summary  5.7 discussion6 english for medical doctors  6.1 context  6.2 investigating needs  6.3 investigating specialist discourse  6.4 designing the course and materials  6.5 responding to difficulties and constraints  6.6 summary  6.7 discussion7 academic literacies in visual communication  7.1 context  7.2 investigating needs  7.3 investigating specialist discourse  7.4 designing the course and materials  7.5 responding to difficulties and constraints  7.6 summary  7.7 discussion8 english for thesis writing  8.1 context  8.2 investigating needs  8.3 investigating specialist discourse  8.4 designing the workshop series and materials  8.5 responding to difficulties and constraints  8.6 summary  8.7 discussion9 conclusion  9.1  revisiting the main considerations in esp course development  9.2 a visual representation of esp course development  9.3  future trends  9.4 summaryreferencesauthor indexsubject index 

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