Selected reading in western ethics

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Selected reading in western ethics

Selected reading in western ethics


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Selected reading in western ethics 本书特色


Selected reading in western ethics 内容简介


Selected reading in western ethics 目录

introductionmeta-ethics  chapter one:moral language and argumentsnormatve ethics  chapter two:the good life    (1) plato: crito    (2) epicurus: the pleasant life  chapter three: virtue ethics    (1) aristotle: nicomachean ethics    (2) alasdair macintyre: after virtue  chapter four:christian ethics    (1) the bible: the judeo-christian tradition    (2) st. thomas aquinas: natural law of morality  chapter five: deontological ethics    (1) immanuel kant: groundwork of the metaphysics of morals    (2) john rawls: a theory of justice  chapter six: ethical utilitarianism    (1) jeremy bentham: classical utilitarianism    (2) peter a. singer: preferential utilitarianism  chapter seven: natural right ethics    (1) albert schweitzer: reverence for all forms of life    (2) johannes messner: the nature of man: key to moralityapplied ethics  chapter eight: morality in real life situations    (1) peter singer, applied ethics & bioethics    (2) gerhard zecha: the golden rule : how to make right decisions in theory and practice 
Selected reading in western ethics

外语 英语读物 英文版


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