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科技英语 本书特色

  《科技英语》是按教育部《大学英语专业阅读阶段教学基本要求》编写而成,供化学、环境、生物类高年级学生在专业知识和科技英语学习上使用,也是用于开阔视野,了解专业国际前沿知识和技术概况。   根据普通高校向应用技术型转型发展的需要,本书选材广泛,内容贴近专业实际,涵盖了化学、环境和生物技术等方面内容,既侧重于专业性基础英语的表达方式学习,又注意增加现代科技前沿的知识。课文难易适当,语言生动,结构严谨。课文后面配有专业性词汇、词组的解释和关键性句子的注解,便于学生自学。   本书适合于应用技术大学理工科非英语专业学生使用,也可供其他专业英语阅读教学时选用。

科技英语 目录

unit 1 air fit to breathe  [ reading material ] recycling the worldunit 2 glass: on the cutting edge  [ reading material ] history of chemistryunit 3 detergent  [ reading material ] numbers in physical quantitiesunit 4 conductivity without metals  [ reading material ] units of measurementunit 5 applications of electrolysis  [ reading material ] nomenclature of inorganic compoundsunit 6 all shapes and sizes  [ reading material ] nomenclature for organic compounds and groupsunit 7 the global warmers  [ reading material ] origin of the gene banksunit 8 traffic technology drives to clear the road  [ reading material ] facts in the development of transportationunit 9 gm organisms--is gm the future?  [ reading material ] genetic modificationunit 10 climate change  [ reading material] hurricanesunit 11 pesticides and pest control  [ reading material ] clean productionunit 12 energy   [ reading material ] the future of clean coalunit 13 carbon capture strategy could lead to emission-free cars  [ reading material ] food containers leach a potentially harmful chemicalunit 14 spy satellite  [ reading material ] a review of the u.s. missile defence systemunit 15 america's wetlands (1)  [ reading material ] america's wetlands (2)unit 16 creating molecules and materials by design (1)  [reading material] creating molecules and materials by design (2).appendix 1 科技英语词汇构成及翻译appendix 2 科技英语常用前缀和后缀 

外语 行业英语 科技英语
