英语综合教程-第二册作者:张秀娟 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787122211057 定价:28.0 出版时间:2014-10-01 出版社:化学工业出版社 |
英语综合教程-第二册 本书特色
《英语综合教程》(第二册)是高职高专公共英语系列教材(共四册)之一。本册书是对**册内容及知识的承接和延伸,每个单元主要由三部分组成:即section a:课文及与课文相关的单词、短语、练习和语法知识。每单元课文主题不同,涵盖了人生态度、成长经历、性格与命运、情感、爱好、商业机遇、医学健康、体育及名著欣赏等多个方面的内容。本书试图通过这些内容的选取来使学生对不同的社会领域及人生百态有所了解,从而开拓学生的视野,启发他们的思维,提高他们的辨识能力。section b: 阅读文章一篇,内容是对相关题材的深化或补充,供学生课外阅读。section c: 编写的是近五年以来的三级b考试真题。
英语综合教程-第二册 目录
unit 1 life attitudesection ain life,it is attitude that matters most
section ba great life
section cmodel test
unit 2 growth
section awriting to her children who have grown up
section bthink before you act
section cmodel test
unit 3 characters
section adecide to be strong
section ba person’s character decides his fate
section cmodel test
unit 4 feeling
section ai saved the life
section bthree lessons to my daughter
section cmodel test
unit 5 hobby
section ado not let watching tv be your hobby
section bhow to make your trip easier
section cmodel test
unit 6 courage
section aa brave girl
section bface your enemies inside
section cmodel test
unit 7 famous works
section athe cactus
section byou’ll be good for him
section cmodel test
unit 8 business
section achina becomes world’s most important auto market
section be-commerce challenges traditional stores
section cmodel test
unit 9 medicine and health
section astarting younger to prevent dating abuse
section bstudy finds light color affects mood
section cmodel test
unit 10 sports
section aten historic olympic moments that change the world
section bthe story of jeremy lin
section cmodel test
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