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汽车英语-新核心高职行业英语-(含光盘) 本书特色

 《汽车英语/“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材》以汽车商务活动为背景,以汽车英语应用为主线,内容涉及汽车商务工作中的汽车历史、汽车构造、汽车商务礼仪、汽车销售、二手车买卖、汽车商务谈判、汽车保险、汽车销售合同八个方面。通过《汽车英语/“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材》学习,学生初步全面接触汽车商务实践活动,并获得将英语技能运用到汽车商务实践中的直接经验,为学生将来从事汽车营销、商务洽谈等专业工作打下必要的基础。   全书共八个单元,每个单元围绕一个汽车商务主题展开。每个单元分为六个部分。

汽车英语-新核心高职行业英语-(含光盘) 目录

unit 1 do you know automotive history?
reading one automotive history and automobile brands
reading two the 1984 ferrari 400i featured fuellnjection

unit 2 do you know basic structures of automobiles?
reading one basic structures of automobiles
reading two engine operating principles

unit 3 do you know car salesman etiquette?
reading one car salesman etiquette
reading two how to improve communication skills in business?

unit 4 how to succeed in your career in car sales?
reading one how to succeed in your career in car sales?
reading two what salespeople should know about women buyers

unit 5 how to buy a used car?
reading one guide for buying a used car
reading two buying a used car

unit 6 how to negotiate automotive business with clients?
reading one how to get a good deal on your trade-in car
reading two how to bargain for the car at the dealership

unit 7 do you know automobile insurance?
reading one how car insurance works
reading two what determines the price of my auto insurance policy?

unit 8 how to fill in automotive contracts?
reading one contract ofvehicle purchase and sales
reading two personal private car loan

achievement test and keys
references 汽车英语-新核心高职行业英语-(含光盘)

外语 行业英语 科技英语
