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科技英语阅读 本书特色

本书共12个单元,每单元由三大部分组成。**部分是"讲座",主要讲解科技英语的语言特点、科技文献的阅读技巧和方法。每一讲之后的"即学即测",精选了内容丰富、形式多样的练习,巩固学生已学的知识。第二部分是"课文",课文内容突出科技史特色,介绍人类发展进程中各个时期的科学和技术的发展、科技大发明和大发现、科学家故事等。第三部分是"拓展阅读",文章与课文话题相同,是对课文内容的拓展,目的是给学生提供更多的阅读实践机会,开阔视野。书后附有各单元的练习答案,便于学生核对和自主学习,所附参考译文,仅供对照参考。 本书适合作为高校非英语专业本科生的科技英语阅读教材,也可供广大科技人员和科技英语爱好者阅读参考。

科技英语阅读 目录

unit 1  historical development of science and technology
  lecture了解科技英语的语言特点understanding linguistic features of est
  text technological evolution of humankind人类的技术发展史
  extended reading invention of wheel车轮的发明
unit 2  ancient civilizations
  lecture提高科技英语阅读理解能力improving reading comprehension of est
  text ancient technology古代的先进技术
  extended reading development of civilization文明的发展
unit 3  history of science in early cultures
  lecture掌握科技英语文献的阅读方法mastering reading methods of est
  text science in the greek world古希腊的科学
  extended reading plato and aristotle柏拉图与亚里士多德
unit 4  history of science and technology in ancient china
  lecture确定中心思想determining the main idea
  text science and technology of the tang dynasty唐朝的科技
  extended reading science in ancient china古代中国的科学
unit 5  science and technology in the middle ages and renaissance
  lecture辨认事实与细节finding major details
  text medieval science and technology中世纪的科学与技术
  extended reading johannes gutenberg and his invention of movable type printing谷登堡的活版印刷
unit 6  impact of science in europe
  lecture识别逻辑衔接词recognizing logical connectors
  text new ideas during the scientific revolution科学革命时期的新思想
  extended reading science in the age of enlightenment启蒙运动时代的科学
unit 7  industrial revolution
  lecture识别段落类型identifying types of paragraph
  text the steam engine—a new source of power蒸汽发动机——一新的动力源
  extended reading machine tools机械工具
unit 8  modern science and technology(i)
  lecture了解衔接与连贯手段的使用understanding cohesion and cohesive
  text development of natural sciences自然科学的发展
  extended reading james clerk maxwell麦克斯韦
unit 9  modern science and technology(ii)
  lecture猜测词义guessing the meaning of unknown words
  text in 1900,they never imagined 1900年,人们不曾想到
  extended reading alexander fleming and penicillin弗莱明与青霉素
unit 10  development of science and technology in new china
  lecture推理making inferences
  text modem development of science and technology in new china新中国的现代科技发展
  extended reading yuan longping—father of hybrid rice“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平
unit 11  scientific discoveries and inventions
  lecture总结drawing conclusions
  text technology’s ubiquitous reach科技无处不在
  extended reading the telephone and its inventor电话及其发明者
unit 12  great men and women
  lecture判定作者的观点、态度和语气identifying the author's viewpoint.attitude and tone
  text three great physicists古今三大物理学家
  extended reading madame curie and radium居里夫人与镭

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