中国风:用英语介绍中国必备5000单词作者:创想外语编著 开 本:22cm 书号ISBN:9787517034216 定价:38.0 出版时间:2015-09-01 出版社:中国水利水电出版社 |
12. 汤圆/tangyuan, rice glue balls
民俗与节日/chinese traditions and festivals
01. 婚丧嫁娶/wedding and funeral
02. 庙会/temple fair
03. 祭祀/worship rituals
04. 剪纸/chinese paper cutting
05. 石刻/stone carving
06. 春节/the spring festival
07. 元宵节/the lantern festival
08. 清明节/tomb-sweeping day
09. 端午节/the dragon boat festival
10. 七夕节/the qixi festival
11. 中秋节/mid-autumn day
12. 重阳节/the double ninth festival
风土人情/folk cultures and customs
01. 家庭观念/strong family relationship
02. 茶道/tea culture
03. 宾客宴请之礼/dinning etiquette
04. 礼尚往来/gifts in chinese culture
05. 旗袍/cheongsam
06. 风筝/kites
07. 集市/the country fairs
08. 吉利数字/lucky numbers
09. 龙的图腾/chinese dragon totem
10. 十二生肖/chinese zodiac signs
11. 中国结/chinese knot
12. 阴阳/yin and yang
瑰丽国宝/the amazing art work and
national treasures
01. 后母戊鼎/ding oedicated to his mother amyl
02. 编钟/chime-bells
03. 《清明上河图》/riverside scene at qingming festival
04. 大熊猫/giant panda
05. 麋鹿/milu (deer)
06. 金丝猴/golden monkey
07. 银杏/ginkgo
08. 冬虫夏草/caterpillar fungus
外语 英语专项训练 词汇
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