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解读中国外交新理念 本书特色

2012年中共十八大胜利闭幕和2013年“两会”结束以来,中国新一届中央领导集体着眼长远利益和战略全局,积极推进外交理论和实践创新,建树颇丰。   本书图文并茂,以习近平主席和李克强总理的对外演讲传达中国外交的立场和态度,以高层官员的视角解读中国外交新理念,以专家学者的研究探求中国外交的未来走向及与世界良性互动的模式。本书力求全面阐释中国外交的新理念和新战略,充分展示中国开放、从容、自信和负责任的发展中大国形象,向世界传递“中国梦”的正能量。   after the successful conclusion of the 18th national congress of the communist party of china in 2012 as well as the national people’s congress and the chinese people’s political consultative conference in 2013, chinese diplomacy has stepped into a new phrase under the guidance of the new core leadership of china. with many achievements, china focuses on long-term interests and strategic overall situation of the world, and is in active pursuit of innovation on diplomatic theory and practice.   speeches by president xi jinping and premier li keqiang have given an overall look at china’s position and attitudes toward the international politics. in the second part, senior officials will explain the new philosophy of chinese diplomacy in details. in the end, researchers will illustrate the interactive model of chinese diplomacy with the rest of the world. by publishing this book, we hope an overall philosophy and strategy of chinese diplomacy could be elaborated, presenting an open, confident and responsible image of china to the world. we also hope that the chinese dream will deliver a positive message to the international society.  

解读中国外交新理念 内容简介

我们正处在一个风云变幻的时代。国际社会沧海桑田,日新月异。中国,这个崛起之中的千年古国,又一次活跃在国际舞台上,展现着大国的胸怀和担当。   《中国外交新理念》所呈现的是中国外交从宏观到微观的*新理论与实践。丰富的内容,多元的视角,深入浅出的语言,让您能够通过此书勾勒出一幅中国外交的全景图,甚至能够借此揣测中国的国际战略走向。   the world never stops changing and it is under constant development. china with its history of more than 5,000 years is once again an important player in the world arena. as a major developing country in the international society, china is making its own contribution to the world.   new philosophy of chinese diplomacy presents the new theory and practice of chinese diplomacy from general to details. with its rich contents, diversified perspectives and plain language, the book provides readers a panorama of chinese diplomacy. a future trend of chinese diplomatic strategy also awaits readers to discover.  

解读中国外交新理念 目录

top interpretations  innovations in china's diplomatic theory and practice under new situations  exploring the path of major-country diplomacy with chinese characteristics  adhering to the right approach to upholding justice and seeking interests,      playing an active role as a responsible major country  working together with adherence to win-win cooperation for an asian community of common destiny  sino-us relations in chinese overall diplomacy in the new era  chinese dream and chinese diplomacy guided by the concept of peaceful developmentexpert reviews  president xi jinping's nine new concepts of diplomacy  chinas diplomacy in the era of xi jinping: inheritance and innovation    the realization of the chinese dream~a new contribution to human society    new diplomatic idea and chinas new neighboring diplomacy situation     new diplomatic concept: structure analysis on the new model of major country relationship     new diplomatic concept: the reinvigorating china transferring positive energy to the world

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