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纺织职业英语作者:陶丽珍主编 开 本:23cm 书号ISBN:9787566905284 定价:26.0 出版时间:2014-06-01 出版社:东华大学出版社 |
纺织职业英语 本书特色
本教材面向纺织高职院校的师生及从事纺织技术或贸易岗位的在职人员,意在培养其专业英语应用能力,为从事纺织品贸易、进口设备使用与管理、进出口、纺织品质量管理和检验等工作提供帮助。本教材遵循“以应用为目的”的原则,从实际出发,学用结合。 本教材共设置了五个模块: module 1 textile fibers 纺织纤维 module 2 spinning & yarns 纺纱及纱线 module 3 fabrics 织物 module 4 dyeing and finishing 染整 module 5 textile inspection and trade 纺织品检验与贸易。
纺织职业英语 内容简介
纺织职业英语 目录
module 1 textile fibersunit 1 the development of textile industry
text a introduction to textiles
text b the development of textile fibers
unit 2 textile fibers sorts
text a traditional fibers
text b new-type fibers
unit 3 fiber properties
text a fiber property i
text b fiber property ii
module 2 spinning & yarns
unit 4 cotton spinning systems
text a cotton spinning process i
text b cotton spinning process ii
unit 5 yarn classification
text a conventional yarns
text b new-type yarns
unit 6 quality control of yarn
text a yarn quality indexes
text b uster technologies
module 3 fabrics
unit 7 weaving
text a weaving preparation
text b loom weaving
unit 8 woven fabric structure
text a basic weaves
text b structure factors
unit 9 knitting
text a general principles of knitting technology
text b general terms of knitting technology
unit 10 knitted fabrics
text a basic stitches in weft knitting
text b basic stitches in warp knitting
unit 11 textile products
text a traditional textiles
text b differences between industrial and traditional textiles
unit 12 industrial textiles
text a process technology
text b application area
module 4 dyeing and finishing
unit 13 pretreatment process
unit 14 dyeing process
unit 15 printing process
unit 16 finishing process
module 5 textile inspection and trade
unit 17 textile inspection
text a fabric property
text b fabric analysis
unit 18 textile trade
text a business letters
text b contract
附录1 words and expressions(词汇与短语)
附录2 general textile testing application form(纺织品测试申请表)
附录3 wash lable(洗标)
纺织职业英语 作者简介
陶丽珍,任职于常州纺织服装职业技术学院 纺织化学工程系,担任纺织教研室主任,副教授、工程师、国家职业技能鉴定高级考评员,现代纺织技术专业骨干教师。 主要从事现代纺织技术专业(纺织工艺与贸易方向)的建设工作,从事《纺织英语》《纺织外贸英语函电》《纺织工艺学》《纺织材料性能与测试》等课程的建设与教学工作。

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