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最美丽英语:英汉对照:珍藏版:点亮生命的航灯 本书特色


最美丽英语:英汉对照:珍藏版:点亮生命的航灯 内容简介

★每天一篇英文,学习纯正地道的英语 ★英汉双语,提升英文修养水平 ★感人至深的英文故事,涤荡心灵,启迪人生智慧 ★实现人性的升华,开启阳光人生

最美丽英语:英汉对照:珍藏版:点亮生命的航灯 目录

the light lit up in my life/在我生命中点亮的那盏灯
life is like a cafeteria/人生就像自助餐厅
its all good/万事皆宜
gift of insults/自取其辱
just five more minutes/就五分钟
the most important part of my busy day/一天中*重要的部分
my fathers maxim/父亲的格言
please give me five minutes/请给我五分钟
dont hurt the snow/别踩疼了雪
23 to 4/23比4
the embassy of hope/希望大使馆
a little piece of me/我生命历程的一段记忆
thanks for your time/感谢你的陪伴
god has been good to me/上帝善待我
climb every mountain in life/攀登人生的每一座山峰
what goes around,comes around/付出终有回报
fathers white ribbons/父亲的白丝带
the secret of the outer ears/外耳的秘密
the only memory that lingers/萦绕心间的唯一记忆
the legacy/隔世的馈赠
harrys riches/哈利的财富
harry and his dog/哈利和他的狗
the noblest revenge/*高尚的复仇
the wolves within/心中的两只狼
cut the rope and let go/割断绳索,然后放手
god help those who help themselves/神助自助之人
earn respect with the truth/真诚赢得尊重
never give up/永不放弃
blind ambition/盲人的雄心
saying your thankyous/常怀感恩之心
the most fitting finish line/*完美的终点线
great expectations/雄心壮志
control your attention and mind/神聚则心收
time your actions/把握行动时机
go for it!/加油,你行!
hang in there/坚持下去
a boy named sparky/一个名叫斯帕奇的男孩
faith to move mountains/移山之志
sharpen your axe/打磨斧头
the competitive spirit/竞争精神
weakness or strength/是弱项还是强项
a seed/一粒种子
see yourself winning/想象自己胜利
dont sit on your talent/发挥你的才能
i have a dream /我有一个梦想
waste not,want not/俭以防匮
first step to success/走向成功的**步
the watchman of your mind/思想的守门人
my definition of success/成功的定义
the definite goal/明确的目标
fords principle of success/福特成功的法则
be yourself/做你自己
the millet of life/人生的谷子
we never told him he couldnt do it/无知者无畏
think with the few and speak with the many/
avoid outshining your superiors/不要让你的上司相形见绌
know how to withdraw/知道如何退出
know how to show your strength/懂得如何显示自己的力量
make use of your friends/善用你的朋友
never share the secrets of your superiors/绝不要和你的上司分享秘密
two ways of telling a story/讲故事的两种方法
dare to do right/勇于做正确的事
the best capital/*好的资本
the four ways of good life/美好生活的四种方式
39 laws of life/39条人生定律
experience life/体验人生
living life over/如果有来生
the addition and subtraction of life/生命的加减法
changes for life/人生因改变而改变
life is like a bowl of vegetable soup/人生就像一碗菜汤
a lesson in life/人生的课堂
the traffic lights of life/人生的红绿灯
early autumn/初秋
step backward and watch life/退后一步看人生

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