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ten kinds of people you should treasure most/一生*应珍惜的十种人
blind dad watched me play football/盲爸爸看我比赛橄榄球
the yellow handkerchief on the oak tree/橡树上的黄手帕
the young witness/小证人
joy or happiness/快乐还是幸福
how to be happier/十点让你更幸福
the ways to happiness/幸福有多少种方法
whats happiness like?/幸福的感觉什么样
the knack of chasing happiness/追求幸福的秘诀
happiness is a feeling/幸福是一种感觉
the secrets of happiness/幸福的秘诀
the paradox of happiness/自相矛盾的幸福感
happiness index/幸福指数
look in from outside/从外向里看
paradise of happiness/幸福的天堂
a pair of new shoes/一双新鞋
butterfly in the cloud/云间风蝶
the girl who loved the wind/爱风的女孩
the crystal spring/透明的春天
a haven of sunflowers/太阳花的避风港
the creek in my childhood/童年的小溪
the old man and the durian tree/老人和榴莲树
the dreams of the three trees/三棵树的梦想
plant yourself a trouble tree/为自己种一棵烦恼树
patience is a virtue/耐心是一种美德
the spiders web/上帝的蛛网
two pebbles/两块鹅卵石
gods abundance flows like a river/上帝的慷慨就像一条河流
i heard a cricket/我听到了蟋蟀的叫声
are you jesus?/你是耶稣吗?
i knew youd come/我知道你会来的
between friends/朋友间的小秘密
experiencing kindness/体验友善
kiss a stranger/亲吻陌生人
the rescue of a seagull/海鸥的救援
a pillow and a blanket/枕头和毛毯
the undeserved gift/受之有愧的礼物
i wish you enough/愿你足够
fly like a bird/像小鸟那样飞翔
ice cream for the soul/有益心灵的冰激凌
god is here working through me to give you hope/上帝让我给你希望
the horsemen/同是骑马人
a simple gesture that changed life/改变生活的简单举动
the grass will come back/草还会长出来的
the mustard seed and sorrow/芥菜子和悲伤
my mother is not a belt/母亲不是一条腰带
a coward and a beggar/懦夫和乞丐
the revelation of the lagoon/潟湖的启示
the masters lesson on gratitude/老师的一堂感恩课
put the glass down/放下玻璃杯
lao tzu and one big tree/老子和一棵大树
keep your dream/坚持你的梦想
dont abandon your dream/不要放弃你的梦想
the courage of his convictions/信念的勇气
where there is a will there is a way/有志者事竟成
annies dream/安妮的梦
“no depression” cake/“没有萧条”的蛋糕
find our starfish/找到自己的海星
kindness is a strength/友善是一种力量
patience to learn/学会耐心
live and laugh/活到老,笑到老
dad is taking me home/爸爸正带我回家
the tale of two businessmen/两个商人的故事
i am with you,darling/亲爱的,我和你在一起
the red and blue coat/红外套蓝外套
small unseen miracle/看不见的小奇迹
the ripple effect/波纹效应
the golden rule/黄金法则
love is like a flower/爱的花季
i am the wind/我是风
when love beckons you/爱的召唤
mother love is like a circle/母爱像圆
the wedding band/结婚戒指
if you have enough love/如果你有足够的爱
words from the heart/爱,就要说出来
you are my life/你是我的生命
seagulls and tears/海鸥和眼泪
butterfly and shell/蝴蝶和贝壳
the day i met my mother/我见到母亲那天
father oak/橡树爸爸
true love/真爱
ill fly to my beloved/飞向我的爱
the butterflyshaped brooch/蝴蝶胸针
the good son/孝顺的儿子
the gentle hand/温柔的手

最美丽英语:英汉对照:珍藏版:点亮生命的航灯 作者简介



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