
首页 > 图书 > 教育类图书/2020-06-15 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]



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 a daughters love for her mother/母女情怀
 mom charged zero dollar/妈妈只收零美元
 prayer for my mother/为母亲祈祷
 you thanked mother/报答母亲
 mothers strength/母亲的力量
 for the love of mother/献给母亲的爱
 mother love in the dress/连衣裙里的母爱
 mum who wrote family letters/爱写家书的妈妈
 a mothers letter to the world/一位母亲写给世界的信
 mothers final gift/母亲*后的礼物
 singing with mom/与妈妈同唱
 a boy with a mission/男孩的使命
 the voice of love/爱的声音
 love is a thread/爱是一根线
 squeeze my hand/握住我的手
 my mothers grave/母亲的坟墓
love in bloom/爱在盛开
 a dance with dad/与爸爸共舞
 a violin/一把小提琴
 a box of kisses/一盒子吻
 lesson from a penguin/爱心企鹅
 dads kiss/爸爸的吻
 my fathers crocus/父亲的藏红花
 the confession from a father/一位父亲的忏悔
 penance after 50 years/50年后的忏悔
 love is a twoway street/爱是一条双行道
 i hear the love/我听到了爱
 homework of love/爱的作业
 daddys advice/爸爸的忠告
 my fathers music/父亲的音乐
 the unlighted candle/点不亮的蜡烛
love is understanding/爱就是谅解
 roses for paradise/天堂玫瑰
 the unopened cd/没有打开的cd
 a gift of light/光明的礼物
 love is a telephone/爱情是一部电话
 the red rose and the white rose/红玫瑰与白玫瑰
 at the small café/相约小咖啡馆
 im going with you/跟你一起走
 salty coffee/咸咖啡
 words from the heart/爱,就要说出来
 the shared love/同心爱
 see how much i love you/知道我有多么爱你
 the wings of love/爱的翅膀
 100/0 love/100比0的爱
 the essence of love/爱的真谛
 a letter to sophie/写给索菲的信
 the sign language of love/爱的手语
 written in the stars/命中吉星
the remembrance of lilacs/紫丁香的回忆
 the envelope on christmas morning/圣诞节早晨的信封
 the heartshaped pillow/心形枕头
 the seed of love/爱的种子
 tomorrow shining ahead/明天就在眼前
 christmas present/圣诞礼物
 don’t wait till the flowers wilt/莫等到花儿都谢了
 i love the blue flowers/我爱蓝花
 grandmas love letters/外婆的情书
 the sweet memory/甜蜜的回忆
 a letter to grandpa/写给爷爷的信
 tommys essay/汤米的随笔
 the love of a full moon/满月情
 love notes/爱的纸条
 love is not a single act/爱不是一场独角戏
 greet this day with love/用爱迎接今天
 the old man with flowers/手持鲜花的老人
 the chain of love/爱的链条
 saving happiness/储存幸福
 as long as you have love in your heart/只要心中有爱
 make the love grow in the heart/让爱在心中成长
 bobbys gift/博比的礼物
 what is love/爱是什么
 the wallet of love/爱的钱包
 rudy’s angel/鲁迪的天使
 “i pity them”/“我同情他们”
 an old-fashioned girl/传统守旧的女孩
 the tea rose /茶玫
 the machinists return/机械工回家
 the best kind of revenge/*好的报复

最美丽英语:英汉对照:珍藏版:让生活充满阳光 作者简介



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