中国梦:谁的梦?:what it means for China and the rest of the world
中国梦:谁的梦?:what it means for China and the rest of the world作者:任晓驷编著 开 本:23cm 书号ISBN:9787510442834 定价:98.0 出版时间:2014-07-01 出版社:新世界出版社 |
中国梦:谁的梦?:what it means for China and the rest of the world 本书特色
中国梦:谁的梦?:what it means for China and the rest of the world 内容简介
中国梦:谁的梦?:what it means for China and the rest of the world 目录
introduction: where does the dream come from?dream of national renewal or dream of seeking
what has the chinese dream awakened?
what is the key to the solution of china’s problems?
hegemony or win-win?
the chinese dream is also a global dream
personal dream or national dream?
is the chinese dream connected to the american dream?
arduous road to success
my chinese dream
how does the dream come true?
stories of dream pursuers
i grew up with my dream
which road to follow, chinese or foreign?
how did we overcome ironclad fortresses?
chinese road
facing more challenges
will the chinese spirit bring about fulfillment of
the chinese dream?
dream fulfillment through giving
they are the pride of china
the chinese spirit and the chinese dream
conclusion: how far away is dream fulfillment?
appendix: hot comments on the chinese dream
on the chinese dream by chinese and
foreign eminent persons
press coverage of the chinese dream
中国梦:谁的梦?:what it means for China and the rest of the world 作者简介
外语 英语读物 英文版
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