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美国文学经典选读-19世纪作者:金莉 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787513544696 定价:49.0 出版时间:2014-06-01 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 |
美国文学经典选读-19世纪 本书特色
美国文学经典选读-19世纪 内容简介
美国文学经典选读-19世纪 目录
1. anne bradstreetthe prologue
the author to her book
in memory of my dear grandchild elizabeth bradstreet,
who deceased august, 1665, being a year and half old.
here follows some verses upon the burning of our house
july 10th, 1666
as weary pilgrim
2. benjamin franklin
from the autobiography
3. washington irving
rip van winkle
4. james fenimore cooper
from the pioneers
5. ralph waldo emerson
from self-reliance
6. henry david thoreau
from walden
7. edgar allan poe
the cask of amontillado
8. nathaniel hawthorne
young goodman brown
the minister's black veil
9. herman melville
from moby-dick
10. harriet beecher stowe
from uncle tom's cabin
11. frederick douglass
from my bondage and my freedom
12. walt whitman
i hear america singing
i saw in louisiana a live-oak growing
one's-self i sing
out of the cradle endlessly rocking
when lilacs last in the dooryard bloom'd
13. emily dickinson
poems (67, 214, 288,303,328, 435, 449, 465,632, 709, 712,1129)
14. mark twain
from the adventures of huckleberry finn
15. henry james
from daisy miller
16. sarah orne jewett
a white heron
17. mary e. wilkins freeman
old woman magoun
18. stephen crane
the open boat
19. charlotte perkins gilman
the yellow wall-paper
20. kate chopin
desiree's baby
the story of an hour
a pair of silk stockings
美国文学经典选读-19世纪 作者简介

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