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城市管理专业英语教程:生态城市理论与实践::作者:张朝鹏主编 开 本:26cm 书号ISBN:9787308131834 定价:29.0 出版时间:2014-05-01 出版社:浙江大学出版社 |
城市管理专业英语教程:生态城市理论与实践:: 本书特色
城市管理专业英语教程:生态城市理论与实践:: 内容简介
城市管理专业英语教程:生态城市理论与实践:: 目录
chapter 1 theoretical foundations of ecological city1.1 ecological economics
1.1.1 market failures
1.1.2 two theorems and the role of the government
1.2 ecological sociology
1.2.1 several perspectives
1.2.2 amos hawley's theory of human ecology
1.3 urban planning theory
1.3.1 eationalism of planning theory
1.3.2 incrementalism of planning theory
1.3.3 utopianism of planning theory
1.4 ecology
1.4.1 charles darwin: natural selection
1.4.2 human nutritional requirements
1.4.3 resource demand: a historical-ecological perspective
chapter 2 new concepts of ecological city
2.1 richard register's "ecocity"
2.1.1 the present situation--city, nature, and the chief agent of their demise
2.1.2 principles of eeocity-building
2.2 urban ecological safety management
2.3 green gdp
2.4 sustainable development theory
2.4.1 definition
2.4.2 domains
2.4.3 criticisms
chapter 3 water issues
3.1 general discussion
3.1.1 is it safe to drink the water?
3.1.2 kinds and sources of water pollution
3.1.3 municipal water pollution
3.1.4 water-use planning issues
3.1.5 the california water plan
3.2 essays on water management
3.2.1 water demand management in yemen and jordan: addressing power and interests
3.2.2 sustainable water management in india considering likely climate and other changes
chapter 4 air issues
4.1 category of air pollutants
4.1.1 carbon monoxide
4.1.2 volatile organic compounds
4.1.3 particulate matter
4.1.4 sulfur dioxide
4.1.5 nitrogen dioxide
4.1.6 lead
4.1.7 ground-level ozone and photochemical smog
4.1.8 hazardous air pollutants
4.2 essays on air pollution
4.2.1 air emissions control for composting operations
4.2.2 economic analysis of air pollution
chapter 5 traffic issues
5.1 traffic congestion
5.1.1 causes
5.1.2 classification
5.1.3 negative impacts
5.1.4 countermeasures
5.1.5 by country
5.2 rethinking traffic congestion
5.3 america's traffic congestion problem: toward a framework for nationwide reform
5.3.1 problems
5.3.2 a proposal for congestion pricing
5.3.3 effects, benefits, and costs of reform
5.3.4 distributional impacts and methods of redress
5.3.5 questions and concerns
chapter 6 urbanisation
6.1 introduction
6.1.1 movement
6.1.2 causes
6.1.3 economic effects
6.1.4 environmental effects
6.1.5 changing forms
6.2 urban sprawl
6.2.1 characteristics
6.2.2 development characteristics of sprawl
6.2.3 examples
6.2.4 smart growth and the compact city
6.2.5 transit-, bicycling- and pedestrian-oriented developments
6.2.6 criticisms and responses
6.3 urbanisation in china: policy issues and options (executive summary)
6.3.1 why are cities so critical to successful modernisation?
6.3.2 distinctive features of china's urbanisation
6.3.3 policy options for urbanisation in the next decade
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