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英语情感.夸张.谬误.语法和隐义辞格考辩作者:韩仲谦 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787118096170 定价:48.0 出版时间:2014-06-01 出版社:国防工业出版社 |
英语情感.夸张.谬误.语法和隐义辞格考辩 本书特色
作者或说话人常常使用形象化的语言来传递语言字面意义以外的意义,以取得特殊的表达效果。各种各样的修辞格是形象化语言的主要构成手段。英语中除了metaphor、personification等十几种*常见的修辞格之外,还存在数以百计的另类特殊的修辞格或修辞方法,它们对提高语言文字在各种文体中的表现力发挥着重要作用。这本韩仲谦的《英语情感夸张谬误语法和隐义辞格考辩》共分八章,较为详细地解读了英语情感类、夸张类、谬误类、语法类和隐义类特殊修辞格,内容包括定义、例解和用法讨论。 本书的读者对象为英语专业的本科生、研究生和语言研究者。 读者既可以将本书作为一本英语特殊修辞格词典加以使用,也可以将其作为一本语言学普及读本加以参考。
英语情感.夸张.谬误.语法和隐义辞格考辩 目录
chapter 1 introductionchapter 2 figures of speech in english
2.1 figures of speech as techniques of figurative language in communication
2.2 definition of figure of speech
2.3 history and etymology of the term "figure"
2.4 functions of figures of speech
2.5 classification of figures of speech
chapter 3 figures of emotion
3.1 aganactesis
3.1.1 definition
3.1.2 examples and illustrations
3.1.3 discussion and summary
3.2 asteismus
3.2.1 definition
3.2.2 examples and illustrations
3.2.3 use of asteismus
3.2.4 discussion and summary
3.3 anamnesis
3.3.1 definition
3.3.2 examples and illustrations
3.3.3 discussion and summary
3.4 apostrophe
3.4.1 definition
3.4.2 examples and illustrations
3.4.3 discussion and summary
3.5 cacophony
3.5.1 definition
3.5.2 use of cacophony
3.5.3 examples and illustrations
3.5.4 discussion and summary
3.6 ethopoeia
3.6.1 definition
3.6.2 examples and illustrations
3.6.3 discussion and summary
3.7 euche
3.7.1 definition
3.7.2 use of euche
3.7.3 discussion and summary
3.8 hypocatastasis
3.8.1 definition
3.8.2 difference between hypocatastasis and metaphor/smile/
3.8.3 use of hypocatastasis
3.8.4 examples and illustrations
3.8.5 discussion and summary
chapter 4 figures of excess and superfluity
chapter 5 figures of falsehood
chapter 6 figures of grammar
chapter 7 figures of hidden meaning
chapter 8 conclusion

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