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雅思热身写作(第二版) 本书特色

  本书共包含十个unit,每个unit为一个话题,都是雅思考试写作的常考话题,包括envirorrnentand pollution,computers and the internet, languages and cultures等。每个unit包含四个部分,包括thinking before reading,reading for writing,boosting skills for writing和 writing after reading。读者不仅能够学到雅思写作考试**的技能训练,更能从大量的背景阅读材料中吸取应对雅思考试写作话题的思路和地道的语言表达。此外,本书还附有2003~2007年9月雅思考试写作题库,是考生熟悉雅思写作考试和练笔的权威材料。

雅思热身写作(第二版) 目录

anoverview of ielts writing tasks
unit 1environment and pollution
 1.1thinking before reading
 1.2reading for writing
 1.3boosting skills for writing
 1.4writing after reading
unit 2computers and the internet
 2.1thinking before reading
 2.2reading for writing
 2.3boosting skills for writing
 2.4writing after reading
unit 3languages and cultures
 3.1thinking before reading
 3.2reading for writing
 3.3bciosting skills for writing
 3.4writing after reading
unit 4media and advertising
 4.1thinking before reading
 4.2reading for writing
 4.3boosting skills for writing
 4.4writing after reading
unit 5travei and tourism
 5.1thinking before reading
 5.2reading for writing
 5.3boosting skills for writing
 5.4writing after reading
unit 6old age and overpopulation
 6.1thinking before reading
 6.2reading for writing
 6.3boosting skills for writing
 6.4writing after reading
unit 7shopping and consumerism
 7.1thinking before reading
 7.2reading for writing
 7.3boosting skills for writing
 7.4writing after reading
unit 8mobile phones and communication
 8.1thinking before reading
 8.2reading for writing
 8.3boosting skills for writing
 8.4writing after reading
unit 9education and learning
 9.1thinking before reading
 9.2reading for writing
 9.3boosting skills for writing
 9.4writing after reading
unit 10technology and inventions
 10.1thinking before reading
 10.2reading for writing
 10.3boosting skills for writing
 10.4writing after reading
appendixa past ielts writing questions
appendixb answer keys


外语 英语考试 雅思IELTS


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