汽车职业英语作者:韩秀芹 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787564325565 定价:28.0 出版时间:2013-08-01 出版社:西南交通大学出版社 |
汽车职业英语 本书特色
《汽车职业英语(高职高专公共英语教改系列教材)》编著者韩秀芹、王旭。 本教材在分析高职学生英语学习能力和市场专业需求能力的基础上,结合专业就业岗位的能力要求,以项目为导向,车系为载体,以提高基本素能为目标,对汽车专业英语教材进行了系统化、科学化的改革,着力体现素质教育和能力本位的精神,突出培养实用性人才,坚持“以应用为目的,实用为主,够用为度”的方向,进一步更新观念,更新内容,更新体系,更新要求。本教材共涵盖8个项目20个单元。每个项目涉及一个专业领域,如汽车简介、汽车品牌、4s店、汽车美容、汽车保险、汽车手册、汽车租赁和汽车展销,每个单元又分别包涵场景会话、专业短文、能力拓展和语法等四个部分的内容。各部分的内容选材力求贴近所学专业和实际工作场景、满足高职高专学生的学习需求并*终增强学生的岗位竞争力。教材的*后又根据学生学习要求和高职高专大纲的要求附加了《高职高专英语大纲a/b级词汇表》。
汽车职业英语 目录
project 1 understanding the automobile
unit1 car's influence
part1 dialogues
part2 the development of the automobile
part3 knowledge expansion commercial correspondence
unit2 automobile structure
part1 automobile structure
part2 evolution of the automobile body
part3 knowledge expansion--e-mall
part4 grammar--basic sentence patters and 'there be + subject'
project 2 automotive brand
unit1 international and domestic brands
part1 the international brands
part2 the domestic brands
part3 knowledge expansion--fax
unit2 car logos
part1 europe
part2 asia
part3 knowledge expansion--complaint
part4 grammer--emphatic sentences and inverted sentences
project 3 4s store
unit1 sale
part1 dialogues
par2the brief introduction of 4s
unit2 spare part
part1 dialogues
part2 do it by yourself (diy)
part3 knowledge expansion--bill of exchange
unit3 service
part1 dialogues
part2 service items
part3 knowledge expansion--insurance policy
unit4 information feedback
part1 dialogues
part2 finish the following tables
part3 knowledge expansion--order sheet
part4 grammer--tense ( 1 )
project 4 automobile beauty
unit1 exterior beauty
part1 dialogues
part2 the content of auto beauty
unit2 interior beauty
part1 dialogues
part2 interior cleaning
part3 knowledge expansion--offer and counter-offer
unit3 car's accessorizing
part1 dialogues
part2 change a carpet
part3 knowledge expansion--advertising and sales promotion
part4 grammer--tense (2)
project 5 automobile assurance
unit1 traffic accident
part1 dialogue
part2 traffic accident
unit2 auto insurance ~
part1 dialogues
part2 controlling the cost of auto insurance
part3 knowledge expansion--contract negotiation
part4 grammer--passive voice
project 6 car manual and contract
unit1 car manual
parti looking at the car from the specification
part2 how to find your car owner's manual online
unit2 sale contract
part1 beijing city auto sales contract (bf-2006-0121)
part2 knowledge expansion--assignment
part3 grammer--subject-predicative verb agreement
project 7 auto rental
unit1 auto rental agency
part1 what's auto rental agency?
part2 things you should know before renting a car
unit2 auto rental contract
part1 brief introduction to auto rental contract
part2 car rental contract (sample)
part3 knowledge expansion--bill of lading
part4 grammer--non-finite verbs
project 8 auto show
unit1 centuries' auto show
part1 the history of auto show
unit2 auto show plan
part1 2012 chengdu international automobile exhibition
part2 knowledge expansion--letter of credit
part3 grammar--subjuncfive mood
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