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福尔摩斯探案集-(英文版) 本书特色

  1886年4月,在柯南?道尔医生岑寂的诊室里,一个头脑冷静、思致缜密、意志坚定的大侦探福尔摩斯的形象诞生了。此人身材瘦削而颀长,头戴软布帽,托着一只烟斗,手持放大镜。他在大学里主攻化学,可他对当时几乎所有的学科无所不通,而且精通法语、意大利语、德语和拉丁语。在《血字的研究》、《四签名》、《巴斯克维尔猎犬》等案件中,这个具有敏锐洞察力和善于推理的大脑一旦发现疑云,便废寝忘食,全力以赴地投身于工作中,将五花八门的罪犯绳之以法。   一个世纪过去了,此书被译成各种文字,行销1000余万册,不论你走到世界的哪个角落,你一定能找到柯南?道尔的这部《福尔摩斯探案全集》,而根据福尔摩斯探案故事改编成的电影更是层出不穷。福尔摩斯的住所英国首都伦敦贝克街221号每年收到一千余封来自世界各地的信件,为此,英国政府不得不派专人整理读者来信。

福尔摩斯探案集-(英文版) 内容简介

  1. 福尔摩斯已负天下大名120年,至今,这位大侦探在伦敦的寓所贝克街212号每年仍收到无数从世界各地寄来的信函和邮件。   2. 此书为世界侦探小说中的典范之作,是拥有世界上*多译本的小说。   3. 此外,《福尔摩斯探案全集》还是全世界流传*广泛的英语文学作品。法国著名作家、2008年度诺贝尔奖得主勒克莱奇奥亦对柯南道尔的创作推崇备至,他在《诉讼笔记》一书的中文版序言中深情地说,他有两个抱负,其中之一就是“日后将完成一部真正的虚构小说,类似柯南道尔天才之作的东西”。   4. 本书以*权威的版本为底本,双色印制。此外,书中用选录了100余幅原版插图,由于年代久远及翻拍的关系,有些图片虽已不甚清晰,但其造型手段及风格特色仍准确地传达着从前时代的气息。

福尔摩斯探案集-(英文版) 目录

table of contents
a study in scarlet
part one
003 chapter 1 mr. sherlock holmes
006 chapter 2 the science of deduction
012 chapter 3 the lauriston garden mystery
018 chapter 4 what john rance had to tell
022 chapter 5 our advertisement brings a visitor
026 chapter 6 tobias gregson shows what he can do
031 chapter 7 light in the darkness
part two
036 chapter 1 on the great alkali plain
041 chapter 2 the flower of utah
045 chapter 3 john ferrier talks with the prophet
048 chapter 4 a flight for life
053 chapter 5 the avenging angels
058 chapter 6 a continuation of the
reminiscences of john watson? m.d.
064 chapter 7 the conclusion

the sign of four
070 chapter 1 the science of deduction
074 chapter 2 the statement of the case
077 chapter 3 in quest of a solution
080 chapter 4 the story of the bald-headed man
085 chapter 5 the tragedy of pondicherry lodge
089 chapter 6 sherlock holmes gives a demonstration
094 chapter 7 the episode of the barrel
100 chapter 8 the baker street irregulars
105 chapter 9 a break in the chain
111 chapter 10 the end of the islander
116 chapter 11 the great agra treasure
119 chapter 12 the strange story of jonathan small
the adventures of sherlock holmes
134 a scandal in bohemia
148 the red-headed league
161 a case of identity
172 the boscombe valley mystery
186 the five orange pips
197 the man with the twisted lip
211 the adventure of the blue carbuncle
223 the adventure of the speckled band
237 the adventure of the engineer’s thumb
249 the adventure of the noble bachelor
262 the adventure of the beryl coronet
276 the adventure of the copper beeches

the memoirs of sherlock holmes
292 silver blaze
306 the yellow face
317 the stock-broker’s clerk
327 the “gloria scott”
338 the musgrave ritual
349 the reigate puzzle
360 the crooked man
370 the resident patient
382 the greek interpreter
393 the naval treaty
413 the final problem

the return of sherlock holmes
426 the adventure of the abbey grange
439 the adventure of black peter
451 the adventure of charles augustus milverton
461 the adventure of the dancing men
475 the adventure of the empty house
487 the adventure of the golden pince-nez
500 the adventure of the missing three-quarter
513 the adventure of the norwood builder

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