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英国废除种姓制度基础上的歧视 / 70
02 ap twitter account hacked
美联社推特账号被黑 / 73
03 nun admits stealing nearly $130,000 from ny churches
修女承认从纽约州教区盗取近13万美元 / 76
04 un urges people to eat insects to fight world hunger
联合国呼吁多吃昆虫以对抗饥饿难题 / 79
05 where is the best city to live?
哪里是全球*宜居的城市? / 82
06 italian earthquake scientists sentenced to 6 years in jail
意大利地震学家被判处6年监禁 / 85
07 killer whales in canada now free after being trapped under sea ice
加拿大虎鲸群被困海冰下奇迹脱险 / 88
08 mexico supreme court frees frenchwoman jailed for kidnapping
墨西哥*高法院释放因绑架被监禁的法国女子 / 91
09 a wave of migration to australia 4,000 years ago
4000年前发生在澳大利亚的“移民潮” / 94
10 ilo report: most domestic workers excluded from employment protection
国际劳工组织称:绝大多数家政工人都得不到雇用保护 / 97
11 a law banning parisian women from wearing trousers repealed
巴黎女性不得穿长裤之禁令终被废除 / 100
12 medecins sans frontieres closes operations in somalia
无国界医生组织被迫结束在索马里的所有医疗项目 / 102
13 oxfam urges world leaders to tackle inequality
乐施会敦促世界领袖解决不平等的问题 / 105
14 heavy smog blankets beijing
雾霾天气侵袭北京 / 108
15 bjp gives schoolgirls overcoat to curb sexual harassment
印度人民党给女学生提供大衣以防止性骚扰 / 111
16 german calls for prosecution of former auschwitz guards
德国人呼吁起诉前奥斯威辛集中营守卫 / 114
17 merkel visits the nazi concentration camp
默克尔访问纳粹集中营 / 117
18 newly-released tapes shows nixon as watergate scandal loomed
*新公开的尼克松白宫录音系水门丑闻发酵期 / 120
19 pakistan court dismisses charges against cleric in blasphemy case
巴基斯坦法庭驳回对亵渎圣灵案中神职人员的指控 / 123

chapter 4 人物事件

01 pep guardiola becomes bayern munich coach
佩普?瓜迪奥拉成为拜仁慕尼黑的新教练 / 128
02 tiger woods reclaims no.1 ranking at arnold palmer invitational
泰格?伍兹在阿诺德?帕尔默邀请赛重返世界** / 131
03 liverpool's striker luis suarez banned for 10 matches for biting an opponent
利物浦前锋苏亚雷斯因咬人被禁赛10场 / 134
04 tokyo beats istanbul and madrid to host the 2020 olympics
东京击败伊斯坦布尔和马德里赢得2020年奥运会主办权 / 137
05 italian police raid jamaican sprinters' hotel
意警方突袭牙买加短跑选手下榻宾馆 / 140
06 us endurance swimmer diana nyad, 64, makes cuba-florida crossing
64岁美国长泳女将戴安娜?奈雅德从古巴游至佛罗里达 / 143
07 usain bolt wins men's 200 meters at world championships
尤塞恩?博尔特获得世界田径锦标赛男子200米决赛冠军 / 146
08 nobel-winning scientist rita levi-montalcini dies in rome at 103
诺贝尔奖得主科学家丽塔?列维-蒙塔尔奇尼在罗马去世,享年103岁 / 149
09 commemorating 50th anniversary of martin luther king's i have a dream speech
纪念马丁?路德?金《我有一个梦想》演说50周年 / 152
10 europol finds evidence of large-scale match-fixing in european football
欧洲刑警发现了大规模操纵比赛的证据 / 155
11 british cannons from battle of passaro found off sicily
在西西里岛海岸发现帕塞罗角海战中沉没的大炮 / 158
12 jimmy savile child abuse
bbc主持人吉米?萨维尔性侵儿童 / 161
13 roma artist and holocaust survivor ceija stojka dies
吉普赛艺术家兼大屠杀幸存者柴亚?斯托伊卡去世 / 164
14 gerard depardieu granted russian citizenship
杰拉尔?德帕迪约被授予俄罗斯公民身份 / 167

chapter 5 灾难来袭

01 monster tornado wipes out portions of oklahoma city suburb
强大龙卷风席卷俄克拉荷马市郊 / 172
02 london man hacked to death in suspected terrorist attack
伦敦一男子在一起疑似恐怖袭击中被砍死 / 175
03 costa concordia cruise ship disaster
“协和号”游轮海上遇难 / 178
04 8 arrested in bribery probe at murdoch's sun
8人因涉嫌默多克《太阳报》行贿案被捕 / 181
05 7 charity workers shot dead in pakistan
7名慈善工作者在巴基斯坦被杀 / 184
06 newtown massacre sparks calls for gun law reform
纽敦枪击惨案呼吁枪支法改革 / 187
07 us firemen shot dead when attending a fire
美国消防员在执勤灭火时遇难 / 191
08 hostages and militants killed in an algerian military operation
人质和武装分子在阿尔及利亚军事行动中被杀 / 194
09 india gang-rape victim's companion speaks of attack
印度轮奸案受害者的伴侣讲述案件经过 / 197
10 son of olympique marseille director killed in gangland shooting
马赛足球俱乐部体育经理的儿子被黑社会枪杀 / 200
11 mexican cargo train used by migrants derails, killing at least 5
墨西哥移民货车出轨,至少5人死亡 / 203
12 more than 1,000 inmates escape in mass jailbreak from libyan prison
利比亚一监狱1000多名囚犯集体越狱 / 206
13 more than 550 killed in india flooding and landslides
印度洪灾和泥石流导致550多人丧生 / 209

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