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狼来了-插图.中文导读英文版 本书特色

  《伊索寓言》是世界上*古老、*伟大的寓言故事集,被誉为西方寓言的鼻祖。王勋、纪飞编译的《狼来了(插图中文导读英文版)》精选了其中180个寓言故事,其中包括“猎人和渔夫”、“寒鸦和狐狸” 、“狼来了”、“守财奴”、“农夫和老鹰”、“牧羊人和狼”和“狐狸和狮子”等脍炙人口的故事。无论作为语言学习的课本,还是作为通俗的文学读本,《狼来了(插图中文导读英文版)》对当代中国的青少年学生都将产生积极的影响。为了使读者能够了解英文故事概况,进而提高阅读速度和阅读水平,在每篇英文传说故事的开始部分增加了中文导读。同时,为了读者更好地理解故事内容,书中加入了大量插图。

狼来了-插图.中文导读英文版 目录

1.马和驴/the horse and the ass 
2.马、猎人和鹿/the horse, hunter, and stag 
3.马和马夫/the horse and groom 
4.马和骑兵/the horse and his rider 
5.马和鹿/the horse and the stag 
6.赫拉克勒斯和马车夫/hercules and the wagoner 
7.牧人和丢失的公牛/the herdsman and the lost bull 
8.猎人和骑马者/the hunter and the horseman 
9.猎人和伐木工/the hunter and the woodman 
11.猎人和渔夫/the huntsman and the fisherman 
12.墨丘利木像和木匠/the image of mercury and the carpenter 
13.寒鸦和鸽子/the jackdaw and the doves 
14.寒鸦和狐狸/the jackdaw and the fox 
15.松鸦和孔雀/the jay and the peacock 
16.捕鸟人、山鹑和公鸡/the birdcatcher, the partridge, and thecock 
17.鸟、兽和蝙蝠/the bird, the beasts, and the bat 
18.朱庇特和猴子/jupiter and the monkey 
19.一捆木棍/the bundle of sticks 
20.小羊和狼/the kid and the wolf 
21.国王的儿子与狮子的画像/the king’s son and the painted lion 
22.狮子的王国/the kingdom of the lion 
23.老狮子/the old lion 
24.老人和死神/the old man and the death 
25.鸢和天鹅/the kites and the swans 
26.农夫和蛇/the laborer and the snake 
27.工人和夜莺/the labourer and the nightingale 
28.丢了尾巴的狐狸/the fox who had lost his tail 
29.云雀和小云雀/the lark and her young ones 
30.狮子和公牛/the lion and the bull 
31.狮子和海豚/the lion and the dolphin 
32.狮子和野猪/the lion and the boar 
33.狮子和鹰/the lion and the eagle 
34.蚂蚁和蛹/the ant and the chrysalis 
35.狮子和狐狸/the lion and the fox 
36.狮子和野兔/the lion and the hare 
37.狮子和牧羊人/the lion and the shepherd 
38.狮子和雕像/the lion and the statue 
39.狮子和三只公牛/the lion and the three bulls 
40.闯进场院里的狮子/the lion in a farmyard 
41.坠入爱河的狮子/the lion in love 
42.狮子、狐狸和野兽/the lion, the fox, and the beasts 
43.狮子、朱庇特和大象/the lion, jupiter, and the elephant 
44.狮子、熊和狐狸/the lion, the bear, and the fox 
45.狮子和老鼠/the lion and the mouse 
46.狮子、狐狸和驴/the lion, the fox, and the ass 
47.狮子、老鼠和狐狸/the lion, the mouse, and the fox 
48.鸽子和蚂蚁/the dove and the ant 
49.狮子的份额/the lion’s share 
50.母狮子/the lioness 
51.秃头骑士/the bald knight 
52.秃子和苍蝇/the bald man and the fly 
53.小男孩和命运女神/the little boy and fortune 
54.丢失的假鬓/the lost wig 
55.猫女/the cat-maiden 
56.男人和两个妻子/the man and his two wives 
57.男人和妻子/the man and his wife 
58.人和狮子/the man and the lion 
59.乌鸦和蛇/the crow and the serpent 
60.公鸡和珍珠/the cock and the pearl 
61.男人和萨提儿/the man and the satyr 
62.人和蛇/the man and the serpent 
63.人和树林/the man and the wood 
64.人和上帝木雕像/the man and the wooden god 
65.遭狗咬的人/the man bitten by a dog 
66.驴和赶驴人/the ass and his driver 
67.人、马、牛和狗/the man, the horse, the ox, and the dog 
68.杀人犯/the manslayer 
69.主人和他的狗/the master and his dogs 
70.老鼠和黄鼬/the mice and the weasels 

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