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美国人天天在说的原味口语-英语说话力-(全美流行版)-(赠MP3光盘)作者:叶正 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787517005957 定价:38.0 出版时间:2013-02-01 出版社:中国水利水电出版社 |
美国人天天在说的原味口语-英语说话力-(全美流行版)-(赠MP3光盘) 本书特色
《美国人天天在说的原味口语(附光盘全美流行版英语说话力语言的力量)》编著者叶正。 《美国人天天在说的原味口语(附光盘全美流行版英语说话力语言的力量)》内容提要:一门语言说得越地道,沟通就会越顺畅,了解也会越深入。这不仅有利于说好语言本身,更有利于消除文化冲突,减少不必要的尴尬与疑惑。本书**部分泼墨表现地道美语的真谛所在,运用推理思维、联想思维、辐射思维、类比思维、归纳思维等全方位地浓缩美语精髓,虽为冰山一角,却可抛砖引玉,以便有的放矢,一语中的。此外,本书第二部分涉猎地道美语黄金实用句,有效地帮你实现中英思维的转换,让简单而地道的表达法时刻句不离口,了然干心。
美国人天天在说的原味口语-英语说话力-(全美流行版)-(赠MP3光盘) 内容简介
《美国人天天在说的原味口语(附光盘全美流行版英语说话力语言的力量)》编著者叶正。 学习英语,不只是反反复复地背单词,更重要的还在于口头上的表达。纯正而地道的英语表达法,引起了越来越多的英语爱好者们的关注与学习,因为谁都希望自己拥有漂亮的口才。为此,我们特精心编写了这本《英语说话力:美国人天天在说的原味口语(全美流行版)》,相信它会让你的英语说得有模有样、有滋有味、有板有眼。你会从中津津乐道:英语原来如此有趣!
美国人天天在说的原味口语-英语说话力-(全美流行版)-(赠MP3光盘) 目录
part 1 不出国也能说一口地道美语unit 001 why are you smiling from ear to ear?unit 002 i have enough on my plateunit 003 i need to answer the call of natureunit 004 this food is out of this worldunit 005 sheis a babeunit 006 i was in a brown studyunit 007 life isn't always a bed of rosesunit 008 rm walking on airunit 009 you're a sight for sore eyes unit 010 it's up in the airunit 011 i think you'd better come down to earth unit 012 every dog has its own day unit 013 itis raining cats and dogs unit 014 mcoey talks unit 015 don't beat around the bush unit 016 i've got to hand it to him unit 017 such a chance comes once in a blue moon unit 018 i can't get a word in edgewise!unit 019 she wears the pants in this family unit 020 the house cost him an arm and a leg unit 021 it's the last straw that breaks the camel's back unit 022 i'm only able to scratch the surface unit 023 he is really wet behind the ears unit 024 he is all thumbs unit 025 she was dressed up to the nines for the dinner party unit 026 it's no skin off my nose unit 027 his bark is worse than his bite unit 028 she is very fond of dishing thedirt on others unit 029 i see eyeto eye with you unit 030 he fell head over heels in love with her unit 031 you're a real night owl ……part 1 地道美语黄金实用句

外语 口语、生活实用英语 社交、生活口语
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