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week 51
day 351我在寻找一个……职位。
  i am looking for a
day 352我希望……
i'd like to…
day 353我获得了工程学硕士学位。
  i got a master degree in engineering.
day 354我对……有兴趣。
  i am interested in…
day 355我是一个天生的领导者。
  i am a born leader.
day 356我一直在……工作。
  i have been working…
day 357我有激情和活力。i am passionate and dynamic.
week 52
day 358给我说说……
tell me about…
day 359你怎样看……?
what do you think of…?
day 360你为什么对……感兴趣?
why are you interested
day 361你为什么想……?
why do you want to…?
day 362你如何处理……?
how do you handle…?
day 363我*适合这份工作。
  i am the best fit for the job.
day 364如您……我将不胜感激。
  i shall be obliged if…
day 365如果你雇佣我……
if you hire me…
day 051电脑运行……
the computer runs…
day 052现在……有麻烦了。
  we're having trouble…
day 053我已收到电子邮件。
  i've got your email.
day 054你把电脑装起来好吗?
will you set up the computer?
day 055我的电子邮件打不开。
  i can't open my email.
day 056你怎么……?
how do you…?
week 9
day 057你能把这个传真过去吗?
could you help to fax this?
day 058请你的秘书把刚传真的再重新传一遍。 ask your secretary to fax them again.
day 059传真失败。the fax failed to be sent out.
day 060告诉我怎么……
tell me how to…
day 061这部传真机坏了。
  this fax machine drives me…
day 062请把……传真给我。
  please fax me…
day 063为什么不……?
why don't you…?
week 10
day 064你现在有时间……吗?
do you have time to…?
day 065我过一会儿再回你的电话行吗?do you mind if i call you back?
day 066我怎样可以打外线?
how do i make an outside call?
day 067恐怕……i'm afraid…
day 068他现在人不在。he is not here right now.
day 069电话占线。
  the line is engaged.
day 070请尽管给我打电话吧。please feel free to call me.
week 11
day 071有必要做一份详细的计划。
  it's necessary to make a detailed plan.
day 072我希望你不要干涉我的计划。i wish you would not interfere with my plan.
day 073这个计划不会成功。this plan has no chance of success.
day 074这是目前*好的计划。this is the best plan for now.
day 075我想到一个很好的计划。
  i just thought of a good plan.
day 076我们致力于提高服务质量。
  we are aiming to improve service.
day 077老板反对我的计划。
  my boss disapproved of my plan.
week 12
day 078有什么主意吗?
have you got any idea?
day 079仅仅是个想法而已。
  it's just an idea.
day 080好主意。
  that's a good idea.
day 081告诉大家你对这个的看法。
  tell us your ideas for this.
day 082他好像喜欢这个想法。he seems to like the idea.
day 083他不喜欢这个想法。he doesn't care for the idea.
day 084这个想法没有创意。
  the idea is not new at all.
week 13
day 085我提出了……i proposed…
day 086你觉得……怎样?
how do you like…?
day 087我无法接受……
i can't accept…
day 088这个提案不太……
the proposal is not quite…
day 089我恐怕得……
i am afraid i have to…
day 090……通过了。
  … went through.
day 091提议听起来……
the proposal sounds…
week 14
day 092让我给你……
let me give you…
day 093你有什么建议吗? what do you suggest?
day 094您能把要点重复一遍吗?
could you repeat…?
day 095请讲重点。
  get to the point.
day 096我们可以继续……?
shall we move on…?
day 097我建议……,好吗?
may i suggest…?
day098别操之过急。don't  be hasty.
week 15
day 099我完全同意。
  i totally agree.
day 100我同意你的部分观点。i agree with you partially.
day 101我赞成……
i'm in favor of…
day 102机会很大/很有可能。the chances are very good.
day 103值得……it's worth…
day 104我不想被卷进去。i don't want to get involved.
day 105他的争论没有意义。his argument doesn't make sense.
week 16
day 106讨论在顺利进行。the discussion is moving right along.
day 107我们下次讨论……
we'll discuss…
day 108没必要……
there's no need…
day 109我们确认……
we confirm that…
day 110讨论的重点是什么?
what are  the major points of the discussion?
day 111……还在讨论中。… is still under discussion.
day 112我们公开讨论吧。let's discuss it openly.
week 17
day 113……时间到了。

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