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作者:方振宇 等主编

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small talk
section 2 跟同事共进午餐
having lunch with your coworkers
section 3 虚心向同事学习
learning from your coworkers
section 4 不吝惜赞美
giving compliments
section 5 及时解决矛盾与冲突
solving contradictions and conflicts
chapter 6 办公电话 telephone communications
section 1 接听电话,礼貌得体
answering the phone
section 2 转接电话
transferring a call
section 3 可以留言
leaving a message
section 4 应对电话咨询
responding to enquiries
section 5 处理客户投诉
responding to customer’s complaints
section 6 进行电话预约
telephone appointments
section 7 与客户在电话里沟通
communicating with customers over the phone
chapter 7 举行会议 holding a meeting
section 1 会议的筹备
preparing for a meeting
section 2 会议开始了
opening a meeting
section 3 共同讨论议题
discussing items
section 4 征求别人意见
asking for suggestions
section 5 表达赞同或反对
agreeing and disagreeing
section 6 做好会议总结
drawing a conclusion
chapter 8 谈判高手 becoming a good negotiator
section 1 介绍自己及公司
presenting yourself and your company
section 2 向对方介绍产品
introducing your products
section 3 讨论合作的可能性
discussing cooperation opportunities
section 4 进行价格谈判
negotiating the price
section 5 协商合约细节
negotiating the contract
section 6 协商付款方式
negotiating payment terms
section 7 作出一些让步
making some concessions
section 8 双方签订合同
signing the contract
chapter 9 业务精英 being the best salesman
section 1 进行市场调研
conducting a market survey
section 2 开展营销活动
starting a marketing campaign
section 3 参加展会
attending trade shows
section 4 争取客户订单
obtaining purchase orders
section 5 做完美的简报
giving a perfect presentation
section 6 需要出差
being on a business trip
section 7 升职加薪啦
promotion and getting a raise
section 8 迎接年终考核
the annual evaluation
section 9 拿年终奖
getting an annual bonus
chapter 10 遇到特殊情况 special circumstances
section 1 上班迟到了
arriving late
section 2 需要加班
working overtime
section 3 向领导请假
asking for leave
section 4 开始休假
taking a vacation
section 5 进行岗位调动
transferring jobs
section 6 请辞
section 7 被解雇了
getting fired
chapter 11 休闲时光 leisure time
section 1 部门有聚会
going to an office party
section 2 相约购物
going shopping
section 3 大家一起去k歌吧
going to karaoke
section 4 欢乐的舞会
going to a dance
section 5 组织外出旅行
going on a trip

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