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大学英语报刊选读教程读与写作者:胡阳 编写 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787301224700 定价:29.0 出版时间:2013-07-01 出版社:北京大学出版社 |
大学英语报刊选读教程读与写 内容简介
《大学英语报刊选读教程:读与写》按新闻文体分为三个部分:新闻、特写、评论。每部分包含6篇文章,所选文章渐进地增加阅读长度和难度,其后附上一定的阅读理解和词汇练习,以及适量的写作讲解练习。 本书基于读写相长的理念,充分考虑中国学生英语学习的薄弱之处,旨在通过*新鲜、*丰富的报刊语言材料。充分利用报刊文章的语言典型性、内容广泛性和行文结构的可模仿性,训练其主动索取信息的能力和为信息而阅读的能力,训练摘要写作和观点陈述的能力,同时训练其学术写作的基本技能,包括如何定义,重述别人观点等等,以及信息整合、提炼及评论能力。本书适合大中院校高年级学生使用,附有练习答案。
大学英语报刊选读教程读与写 目录
part i news
reading i risks from radiation low in japan but panichigh
reading 2 planet could be "unrecognizable" by 2050,experts say
reading 3 some game developers unhappy with apple,nintendo
reading 4 apple attacked over pollution in china
reading 5 bangkok at risk of sinking into the sea
reading 6 woman to begin antarctic crossing, awaitsweather
part ii features
reading 7 universities banning bottled water oncampus
reading 8 a surge in learning the language of theinternet
reading 9 green games gain in popularity
reading 10 dispute behind nobel prize for hivresearch
reading 11 the man who predicted the tsunami
reading 12 the voice: whitney houston (1963--2012)
part iii opinions & reviews
reading 13 the next pandemic
reading 14 harry potter--hogwarts and all--is britain'stop model
reading 15 the dark side of the "green" city
reading 16 do tweets change your behavior?
reading 17 what's mine is yours--the rise ofcollaborative consumption
reading 18 why i'm not taking my 8-year-old to the hungergames
keys to the exercises
大学英语报刊选读教程读与写 节选
胡阳编著的《大学英语报刊选读教程(读与写)》的编排与设计基于上述基本思想,按体裁分为三大部分:News,Features和Opinions。每个部分包含六篇文章,涉及主题包括灾难、环境、娱乐、科技及社会等,课后练习将阅读理解与语言应用融于一体,分为五部分:Reading Comprehension;Learn to Write;Information and Comments;Phrases and Expressions;More Information。
每篇课文*后的Power Station旨在介绍阅读与写作方法,配有相应的练习,进行针对性写作练习。
大学英语报刊选读教程读与写 作者简介

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