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中国概况-英文版 内容简介

  china panorama is intended for the use by international students coming to china to study the required course "china panorama". as well as reading material for all of those studying chinese as a second language, this book is the top choice for learning chinese culture and motivating students' interest. this book introduces topics such as chinese geography, culture, history, international relations and the development of the nation.   readers will find they are inspired, challenged and provided with cultural facts throughout the learning process. in the practice sections, lots of thought provoking and practical exercises are set, encouraging intercommunication between book and readers, teacher and students. it achieves the perfect match of cultural awareness and students needs.

中国概况-英文版 目录

reader's guide
index of pictures
chapter 1 the geographical environment and chinese culturt
the main characteristics of china's geographical environment
the influences of geographical environment over
china's agricultural civilisation
confucianism and ancient agricultural cmlisation
agriculture and changes in population and language

chapter 2 the history and society of china
the early history and gmlisation of china
confucius and his influence
the rise and fall of ancient china

中国概况-英文版 作者简介

  GUO Peng,He graduated from Peking University with Doctorial Degree on Chinese Literature in 1997. Now he is a professor of College of Chinese Studies at Beijing Language and Culture University.   CHENG Long,He graduated from Peking University with Doctorial Degree on Chinese History in 2004. Now he is an associate professor of College of Chinese Studies at Beijing Language and Culture University.   JIANG Xiliang,He graduated from Beijing Language and Culture Uruversity with Master's Degree on Chinese Literature in 2010. Now he is working at the President's Office of Beijing Language and Culture University.   WANG Qun,She graduated from Portsmouth University in the UK with Master's Degree on Management of Education and framing in 2008, Now she is an editor at Higher Education Press.


外语 FOR老外 地域风情


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