革命·建设·改革:revolution construction and reform

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革命·建设·改革:revolution construction and reform作者:章百家著 开 本:24cm 书号ISBN:9787119079103 定价:108.0 出版时间:2012-08-01 出版社:外文出版社 |
革命·建设·改革:revolution construction and reform 本书特色
zhang baijia的《革命建设改革》 about the history and growth of the communist party of china(cpc)。it is mainly targeted at readers,especially foreign readers,who wish tounderstand china and the cpc but have bruited time available。
革命·建设·改革:revolution construction and reform 内容简介
when the cpc was established in 1921 it had only just over 50 party mumbe 。in 2011,on the 90th anniveary,of its founding ,it has more than 80 million membe。 zhang baijia的《革命建设改革》 tells you the story of the path of the cpc and its leadehip the chinese people in revolution, cotrtuction,and reform。 《革命建设改革》 also explai the cpc’s concepts of revelution and governance,the formation of china’s basic pohtical system,andthe reality ofsocialism with chinese characteristics。i hope this book will help you better undetand the cpc and china’s development。
革命·建设·改革:revolution construction and reform 目录
chapter 1 revotution for the independence of the nation and the liberation of the people national crisis and the rise of revolutionary move— ments the birth of the communist party of china summoning the hurricane of a great revolution opening the path of“surrounding the city with the countrysidel” organizing the masses to fight the 3apanese invade the victory of the new democratic revolution chapter 2 cotruction efforts and endeavo to implement tra- formation founding a new china and coolidating the new poutical power implementing agrarian reform and social tra— formation establishing the fundamental socialist poutical system initial efforts to address the country’s backward condition puuing an independent foreign policy of peace exploring a path of cotruction appropriate to china’s actuat conditio chapter 3 reform taking the path of socialism with chinese chara- cteristics reatization of a great historicat trailion surging tide of reform and opening up establishing a socialist market economy system positively and steadily pressing forward with reform of the political system building a socialist country under the rule of law establishing multilateral foreign relatio establishing modernized national defee promoting the great cause of the reunification of the motherland a compreheive approach to building a moderately prosperous society summarizing the governing experience,promoting partybuilding革命·建设·改革:revolution construction and reform 作者简介

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