柏拉图对话集:美学卷-西方人文经典读本-英文版作者:柏拉图 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787511710802 定价:45.0 出版时间:2012-01-01 出版社:中央编译出版社 |
柏拉图对话集:美学卷-西方人文经典读本-英文版 本书特色
在西方,柏拉图一项被称作哲学家中的哲学家。柏拉图散见于各篇对话中有关艺术及美学方面的论述是西方美学和文艺学的重要源头,举凡《理想国》有关艺术功用的探讨;《大希庇阿斯篇》有关美与形式、质料之间的关系的论述;《会宴篇》有关美的本质的对话,并断言美是一种先验的绝对理式,“是永恒的,无始无终的,不生不灭、不增不减的。一切美的事物都以它为源泉,有了它,那一切美的事物才成其为美”,**次将人类的审美活动上升到哲学层面来考量。凡此种种,都为后世的美学家解决审美体验、美的本质等问题开了无数方便法门。 本书所选各篇均配有英国著名古典学家本·乔伊特撰写的导言,既对占希腊社会生活概貌有生动的介绍,又清晰地勾勒出柏拉图学说的基本构架,十分有益f初学者入门。
柏拉图对话集:美学卷-西方人文经典读本-英文版 内容简介
plato had a love-hate relationship with the arts. he must have had some love for the arts, and his influence on western culture generally is a very strong one, and this includes a strong influence on the arts, and on theories of art. beauty,justice, and circle are all examples of what plato called forms or ideas. for plato, these forms are perfect ideals, but they are also more real than physical objects. he called them "the really real", so art is imitation, and the best human life is one that strives to understand and to imitate the forms as closely as possible.
柏拉图对话集:美学卷-西方人文经典读本-英文版 目录
i ionintroduction
ii republic(bookii、 bookiii、 bookx)
iii phaedrus
iv hippiasmajor
v symposium
vi philebus
introduction and analysis
柏拉图对话集:美学卷-西方人文经典读本-英文版 节选
柏拉图对话集:美学卷-西方人文经典读本-英文版 作者简介
PLATO(424/423 BC-348/347 BC), was a Classical Greek philosopher, mathematician, student of Socrates, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher earning in the Western world, just as A.N. Whitehead says: The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato, I do not mean the systematic scheme of thought which scholars have doubtfully extracted from his writings, I allude to the wealth of general ideas scattered through them. Plato's dialogues have been used to teach a range of subjects, including philosophy, logic, educes, rhetoric, and mathematics.
外语 英语读物 英文版
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