中国人的健身养生作者:王开文,曲建梅,孙丽霞 编著 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787508518916 定价:86.0 出版时间:2011-01-01 出版社:五洲传播出版社 |
中国人的健身养生 内容简介
the five books in this chinese lifestyle on the whole form a kind of knowledge pool for readers interested in the chinese society, the people and their way of thinking and social behavior. this book is one of the series《chinese physical exercises and health care》, the book is divided into six parts content.
中国人的健身养生 目录
chapter one: brief introduction to chinese physical exercises and health careⅰ brief history of development
ⅱ basic concepts and theories
ⅲ efficacy and mechanism
ⅳ fundamentals and methods of traditional exercises and health care
chapter two: a brief introduction to taijiquan exercises
ⅰ origin and characteristics
ⅱ schools and features
ⅲ basic requirements
ⅳ points for attention in taijiquan exercise
chapter three: a brief introduction to qigong exercises
ⅰ connotation of qigong
ⅱ dantian (elixir field) and commonly used acupoints in qigong exercises
ⅲ fundamentals, essentials and methods in the exercise of qigong
ⅳ effects and points for attention in qigong exercises
外语 英语读物 英文版
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