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作者:王涛 等编著

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高级英语视听说教程 本书特色

     王涛等编著的《高级英语视听说教程》由东南大学外国语学院研究生英语教研室组织编写,是研究生英语系列教材之一。 《高级英语视听说教程》共有20个单元,可供两个学期使用。每单元有door to wisdom,join in the dialogue,listen and discuss,watch and debate,extracurricular listening等五个部分,除**部分是纯口语表达、第五部分纯听力理解之外,其他三部分都设有听力训练和口语实践,听力素材有长短对话、短文、访谈、讲座等,口语表达活动都是围绕本单元的话题展开,使听力素材可直接用于口语实践,使学生在课堂上就能巩固所学的知识。

高级英语视听说教程 内容简介


高级英语视听说教程 目录

unit 1 communication is the key to success unit 2 emotions have taught mankind to reason unit 3 education is the transmission of civilization unit 4 work to become, not to acquire unit 5 while there's life, there's hope unit 6 life well spent is long unit 7 all holidays can be good times unit 8 travel is more-than the seeing of sights unit 9 sports are a microcosm of society unit 10 character is long-standing habit unit 11 love is the fruit of marriage unit 12 money isn't everything unit 13 success is sweet unit 14 no environment = no development unit 15 problems are the price of progress unit 16 cultural diversity shapes national character unit 17 calamity is man's true touch-stone unit 18 science and technology revolutionize life unit 19 best is cheapest unit 20 the present is pregnant with the future scripts and keys 高级英语视听说教程

外语 英语专项训练 听力


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