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大学英语综合教程(下册)高等院校艺术体育类非专业教材 本书特色


大学英语综合教程(下册)高等院校艺术体育类非专业教材 内容简介


大学英语综合教程(下册)高等院校艺术体育类非专业教材 目录

unit one museums in the modern world
 section a: oral english practice
 section b: text learning
 section c: language consolidation
 section d: reading activity
 section e: writing
unit two getting familiar with the yard sale
 section a: oral english practice
 section b: text learning
 section c: language consolidation
 section d: reading activity
 section e: writing
unit three phobia and mountaineering
 section a: oral english practice
 section b: text learning
 section c: language consolidation
 section d: reading activity
 section e: writing
unit four insomnia and sleep
 section a: oral english practice
 section b: text learning
 section c: language consolidation
 section 13: reading activity
 section e writing
unit five famous athletes
 section a: oral english practice
 section b text learning
 section c language consolidation
 section d reading activity
 section e writing
unit six mona lisa and its painter
 section a oral english practice
 section b text learning
 section c language consolidation
 section d reading activity
 section e writing
unit seven musician and music
 section a: oral english practice
 section b text learning
 section c language consolidation
 section d reading activity
 section e writing
unit eight more about architecture
 section a oral english practice
 section b text learning
 section c language consolidation
 section d reading activity
 section e writing
unit nine sports in the world
 section a oral english practice
 section b text learning
 section c language consolidation
 section 13 reading activity
 section e writing
unit ten culture in the western countries
 section a oral english practice
 section b text learning
 section c language consolidation
 section d reading activity
 section e writing
appendix: glossary

大学英语综合教程(下册)高等院校艺术体育类非专业教材 节选


大学英语综合教程(下册)高等院校艺术体育类非专业教材 相关资料

Washington was chosen for the vision and courage he contributed to the birthof the nation, Jefferson for his dreams of a greater, more perfect nation, firstexpressed in the words of the Declaration of Independence and later through theexpansion brought about by the Louisiana Purchase. Abraham Lincoln was givena place in the pantheon for his efforts to preserve the union and to transform itinto a place where all men were free and equal.

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